Chapter 5: New people, New faces

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Ghostinnit walked up to the crowd, who didn't see him at all. He was scared like they were gonna get mad at him for even being there. The compass still pointed towards the man so he kept walking.

"Excuse me? Are you Your Tubbo?" Ghostinnit asked. Everyone turned their heads to him and many gasped. Some started crying or were shocked to see him. The man that the compass was pointing towards looked more hurt than the rest.

"Wh-what...Tommy what happened to you...a-are you...dead?" The man's voice was shaky and sounded like he was about to cry. Who's Tommy? Is that me?

"I guess so. I mean I woke up like this."

"I can't believe it. Tommy what did you do? Who...who did this to you?"

Tears started rolling down the man's face and everyone else's face as well. They looked so sad. Why are they crying? Did I make them cry? I feel horrible. Ghostinnit thought.

"Tommy my boy. My little boy." said the man while hugging Ghostinnit. Steam came from in between them before a little fire started beneath them. The man pulled away quickly so he didn't get burned.

"Tommy, I can't believe it. Who killed you?" said a man who had fox ears on top of his head. The ears were back like he was sad. The pain in his voice sounded so hurt, like all his dreams were crushed in an instant.

"I'm sorry that you're crying. I am so sorry! I don't know what I did, but whatever I did...I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Ghostinnit said feeling horrible that he had made so many people cry.

"Tommy...what will Tubbo think? He will be so heartbroken." said a girl with black hair, but with two strips of white in the front.

"Tubbo? No, I need to find Your Tubbo. You're Your Tubbo right?" Ghostinnit said, holding up the compass. The people started to cry more and more. "Please stop crying! I'm so sorry for what I did even though I don't know what. It's my fault I know, just please stop."

Everyone kept looking at him and some tried to stop, but couldn't. The man with the wings knelt down and cried very loudly like no other. It sounded like he was in so much pain. Some went to him and comforted him while others tried to comfort each other. All crying over something that Ghostinnit didn't know of. He felt sad that so many were crying in front of him. The pain in their voices sounded as if they had lost someone close to them.

"What's going on out here?" said a mysterious voice, "Why are you all crying?"

The boy walked out with a tall person who looked like an enderman, but the other half was white. The boy had on a suit like he was very important and he had brunette hair. They stepped a little closer into the crowd until they saw Ghostinnit. Both of the boys eyes saddened, but not as much as the shorter one. He looked like he was about to scream.

"T-Tommy? Are you-are you dead?" the boy said. Ghostinnit looked down at his compass which pointed directly to the boy.

"Hello are you Your Tubbo? This compass points me to you and I was wondering if you could help me find out who I am and what I'm doing here."

Everyone fell silent and looked at Ghostinnit. Their stares made him uncomfortable. He wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear.

"Tommy? Why are you a ghost?" said what appeared to be another ghost. He had a yellow shirt on, there was a blue scar on the shirt as well (it looked as if he had been stabbed), blue paint stained on his fingers, and a blue sheep walked alongside him too.

"Who's Tommy? You guys keep talking about this boy. For I am Ghostinnit. I came from this weird place that was a wooden camp site."

"Your Tommy silly. That place you came from was Logstedshire." said the ghost, "Oh wait! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ghostbur, but you can also call me Wilbur if that is what you wish."

"Wilbur...have I heard that name before? Do I know you? Can you help me find out who I am?"

"I'm your older brother. I have raised you since you were born and Technoblade as well. Phil is your dad, Tubbo is your best friend, and Fundy is your nephew. We are all your friends Tommy. Don't you remember us." Ghostbur said who was worried about Ghostinnit.

Ghostinnit looked down at his compass and wanted to cry. I don't know who any of these people are. I wanna go back to the lava in the Nether where there is actual comfort. I don't belong here at all. Tears streamed down his face, but this time it was lava strolling down it. Lava tears fell down his face. Ghostinnit felt so alone and bad in that moment. He felt bad for making them all cry. Felt bad for not knowing who any of them are. He felt guilty.

"Tommy please you can't have forgotten who we are! There's still got to be a memory in there that you remember of us right? Don't you remember me? Big Q? Quackity, someone who always had drugs on them and joked with you a lot! Please tell me you remember us."

"I don't. I don't know who you are and I'm so sorry for that. I shouldn't have followed this compass. I shouldn't have came here at all! I wanna go back home! I want to go back to the Nether in the lava where I feel comfortable at least. I wanna find out who I am and what I'm doing here. I don't even know where my home is. I don't want to be here anymore. Please stay away from me." Ghostinnit said before he ran off towards the bench that he saw before. He didn't know why he was running there, but ran there anyways.

He could hear people calling for him to come back. Some sounded like they were running after him, but couldn't keep up. So much pain went through him that it hurt. He didn't know how to get rid of the pain, but just wanted it gone. It hurt so much that he fell over and could barely stand back up or even float. The pain was in his chest. This was ongoing and never stopped. It hurt too much to even think or breathe. The pain got heavier until he almost passed out. It was too much for him to handle.

"Tommy?" said a voice, "What are you doing here?"

Ghostinnit looked up at a tall man with a green sweatshirt and a white smiling mask on. The man looked intimidating. Ghostinnit wanted to speak to the man, but couldn't. Nothing came out when he opened his mouth. He was in so much pain.

"Tommy, are you alright? You know you shouldn't be here." the man said while sitting on his feet over Ghostinnit. The man's voice sounded worried for him.

"Pl-please...h-help me...this pain hu-hurts s-so much...I can't breathe...please help." said Ghostinnit with lava tears falling down his face and grabbing his chest.

The man, trying his best to avoid the lava, picked up Ghostinnit and held him in his arms.

"Shh. Just breathe. Don't think about the pain, it will only hurt even more. Let's go back to Logstedshire. There's tools over there to help you." said the man.

"T-thank you so much. But I'm so sorry. W-who are you?"

"My name is Dream. I am your friend. I'm here to help you, just trust me. Okay?"

"Alright thank you, Dream. I trust you."

Dream carried Ghostinnit back through the Nether portal and headed back to Logstedshire. This man seemed like someone who he should trust.

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