Chapter 23: Journey

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The night began to fall, making the air cold around them. The group searching for Tommy, all set up camp in the desert. They would have to rest after the long journey they had. They walked through many biomes and all of them were very tired. There were fires around to keep them all warm and tents set up as well.

Tubbo sat next to fire, that Techno had to help him make, he thought about Tommy. I hope that he's ok. Dream better not be doing anything to him at all. Ranboo came back with some sticks to help keep the fire lit. The entire time throughout the journey, Ranboo has kept Tubbo's hopes high for him. Telling him that Tommy was alright and that they would find him soon.

Tubbo took out his compass and looked at it. The compass pointed to his side and he wished that it pointed right next to time. A feeling came over him, the same feeling he had inside of the Nether. He felt so alone and wanted Tommy alive once again. Tubbo looked at where the compass pointed. He wanted to go and find him.

"Tubbo? Why are you looking at the compass?" asked Ranboo putting some sticks in the fire.

"It's nothing, I just wish Tommy was alive. What could Dream be doing to him. Why would he have him?" Tubbo said, putting the compass away.

"I don't really know, but I bet he's fine. We're going to go save him. Techno, is on our side. He's the strongest one and he'll help take down Dream. Dream can't hide him forever. We're going to go save him." Ranboo said.

"It's already too late now, he's dead. Someone killed him, but why would the kill him?"

"I don't know, but we are going to find out." Ranboo said hugging Tubbo.


Technoblade sat next to the fire sharpening his axe, while Philza ate some steak that he had made over the fire. Techno hoped that Tommy was ok and that Dream wasn't doing anything to his little brother. Phil saw that Techno looked mad and gave him some steak.

"Thanks Phil." Techno took the steak and took a bite, "We gotta be ready to leave tomorrow. It will be a couple days before we get there as well."

"I know mate. However long it will take, it'll be worth it in the end. We just need to find Tommy, then we can go back home and take care of him."

"What would Dream need with Tommy anyways? Didn't you say he died, what would he need from him?"

"I want to know as well, Tommy needs to rest. He's been through a lot. I don't even know who would kill him either. He's just a kid, he never deserved to die."

Techno looked down and thought to himself. Don't worry Tommy, I'll save you. I know I have been a terrible brother. I can make it up. Dream better not being anything to him. He's just a boy, I'll protect him. The sword he is holding will be used to protect Tommy from Dream.

Once it turned midnight, everyone decided it was time to go to bed, to get their energy up for tomorrow. If there was a chance that Dream's base was close, they needed to be prepared. Tomorrow was going to be a day where they would travel all day. They must've been very close. Dream couldn't have left that compass without any reason. He was planning something and Techno knew it. They needed to be prepared for any obstacle that comes in their way.

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