Chapter 14: He really is gone, isn't he?

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TW: mention of suicide

Tubbo, Quackity, Punz, Niki, and Ranboo walked back into the Nether after looking through Logstedshire. They walked over the bridge going to the portal on the Nether roof. Tubbo behind the group, looking down at the lava. Tubbo was trying to walk right next to the group, but his mind would wander off. The lava looked welcoming. Tubbo thought about just letting himself fall into the lava and see what happens. Tubbo kept not paying attention where he was going.

"Tubbo!" screamed Punz, grabbing him and pulling him onto the bridge.

Tubbo didn't realize that he had his foot off the bridge and almost fell off into the lava. Tubbo snapped back and saw everyone over him asking if he was ok. Quackity was grabbing Tubbo's shoulder asking why he would do that. He didn't know why at all, the lava wanted him to jump in, but he didn't tell any of them that.

"Tubbo, what were you doing?" asked Niki, "You almost died to lava! Please don't ever do that again."

"I'm sorry for scaring you guys. My mind was just...lost." said Tubbo, "I guess I just lost my train of thought on where I was going."

"Please Tubbo, I was so scared when I turned around and saw your foot off the bridge. I can't lose you either." Quackity said, with tears in his eyes.

After losing Schlatt, Tubbo's last parent was Quackity. Quackity promised to take care of Tubbo after Schlatt dying. A promise to protect him and never let him go. And within that moment he almost lost his last family. The one who he made sure to protect.

Tubbo hugged Quackity, letting him know that it was ok. That he wasn't gonna do that ever again. Why would I do that? The lava...why did it want me to jump in? I know Tommy died from lava, but there is no way that he would've done that. Unless...No. He wouldn't do that at all. We just need to keep looking for Tommy. Tubbo thought. He got up from the ground and they all started to walk again. None of them let him get anywhere near the edge of the bridge.

They got to the Nether roof and were waiting for Ranboo to figure out how to get up. Tubbo started to feel sad once again. Wanting to find his best friend again. He just wanted to see Tommy's smile, that's it. Tommy's smile always brightens him up. Watching him smile again, will let Tubbo know that everything is ok.

He walked over to some of the Nether rack and sat on it. He wanted Tommy to come and hug him once again. Tubbo started to cry. He just wanted Tommy.

"Tubbo? Are you ok? Why are you crying?" asked Punz, who was kneeling in front of Tubbo.

"I want Tommy back. I miss him so much. I shouldn't have exiled him at all! It's my fault he's gone. I don't care if he's dead, I just want him to hug me so I'm not alone anymore." Tubbo said between sobs.

"Hey it's not your fault, you're not the one who killed him. We'll find him Tubbo, there's no need to cry. You aren't alone either, we are with you. We'll find him soon, just a little more patience little one." said Niki, hugging him.

"He's really gone, isn't he?" said Tubbo.

Everyone sat there trying to comfort him. They knew Tubbo missed Tommy so much during the exile and how heartbroken he was when he lost the compass. They each remember him crying that night. He wanted to know where his best friend was. Wherever Tommy was they needed to find him, so that they could figure out this entire mess.

"Tubbo, look at me. I know how hard it is to lose someone very close to you. Someone you never wanted to hurt, but hurt. Losing a best friend that thought you would be together with for the rest of your life. Life is hard Tubbo. It has many different paths that we all take. Some paths will be nice to you and others not. But it's gonna be ok Tubbo, Tommy is still alive as a ghost. He may not remember us, but that doesn't mean we can't make new memories with him. Come on let's go." Quackity said.

Tubbo looked up at Quackity and smiled. He was right, they can make more memories. He was gonna see Tommy once again. Tubbo got up and they all started to walk towards the ice path to get to the portal on the other side. This time they were gonna find Tommy, even if an obstacle was in their way.

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