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I can't write a whole book on Mads and Seth. I feel like it'd be very repetitive on this book, however YALL ASKED FOR IT... SO IM COMPROMISING. This is a lil Mads and Seth action. KACHOW

Mads POV:

Carter's been gone for almost a week and I've never seen Noah more miserable. He doesn't really talk to us anymore.

He told us all what happened later that day and Kena tried to kick his dick in. Me and Seth got into a fight about it. He thinks that it's not Noah's fault. But honestly? He shouldn't have been there in the first place. He shouldn't have let her drag him out to the hallway to explain why she hated Carter. I get that he was trying to protect her, but this is on him too.

It's probably like 11 pm and my parents are doing a spa weekend somewhere. I'm watching cheesy romance movies, balling my eyes out because I miss Seth.

He's a dumbass, but I still love him. I miss the way he'd play with my hair or compliment my outfits. Or when he'd let me try and do his makeup. I just miss him. And I'm worried about him. He hates going home, but he can't really go to Noah's for too long because Noah won't talk to anyone.

And obviously Carter's isn't an option. I'm not sure what's going on at his house but I know it's not good. He shows up to school with bruised ribs and bruises he tries to hide.

But he won't talk to me.

My thoughts are cut off by a pounding on the front door. It's pouring rain outside and it's 11 pm, and I'm home alone.

That's not terrifying.

The pounding continues.

"Open the door, Mads." I hear a voice yell from the other side of the wood. He sounds so helpless. So broken.

I immediately pull open the door to reveal him standing there in all his 6'2 glory. His blonde hair is disheveled and wet. His arms are pouring blood out and he has a black eye. That's only the visible injuries.

I yank him inside where I see his eyes are red and puffy. He's dripping on the floor but I don't care.

I pull him up to my bathroom where I sit him down on the toilet.

I get out the first aid box from behind the bathroom mirror (y'all know what I'm talking about).

I start on his face which seems to be the least affected, besides the black eye of course.

We don't talk. He doesn't say anything, thought I can feel his eyes boring a hole into me. As if he was willing me to look into them. I can't. Not like this.

I finish up the cuts on his face before I pull on his shirt. He tries to pull it off but winces.

"Put your arms up." I hear myself speak. He looks at me in surprise but does as he's told. I don't make eye contact with him still. I peel away the dark t-shirt from his body only to gasp. His eyes flicker down to avoid my gaze.

His torso is completely covered in bruises and slashes. There's a burn mark on his side, that looks like it's from a cigar.

I drop to my knees in front of him and before I know it my hand is ghosting over a bruise on his ribs.

He flinches, his eyes still cast downward.

"Seth..." I whisper. I look up to his face to see he's still not looking at me. I place my hands on his jaw and bring his face so he's turned towards to me. "Baby, what happened to you?" I ask him, willing myself not to cry. My voice traitorously breaks though. His eyes meet mine. I can tell he's contemplating but there's something behind that.

He looks scared.

"If I tell you... Promise you won't leave?" He says. His voice sounds tired and it pains me to hear him this way. To see him look this broken.

"I promise, baby." I say rubbing my thumb over his cheek lovingly. Hoping he knows that he can't scare me off.

"My dad... He's a drunk. He, uh- he used to hit mom. When I was little he used to hit her. She finally had enough of it, and she up and left. She left everything behind. Including me." He take a shaky breath. "I was 7 when He first hit me. It wasn't much. Just a punch. But then it got worse. And the threats got worse if I told so I never did. Only Noah knows. But he doesn't know much. Only that my dads a dick and whenever I stay over at his house I come back hurt after I go back."

"You're dad did this to you?" I whisper cautiously as I let my eyes roam over his injuries again. He nods. I lean my forehead against his. "You're so strong, Seth. I love you, no matter what."

His hands reach out to cup my face.

"I love you so much, Mads. You're the best thing that ever happened to me." He whispers with small tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Baby, come here." I say pulling him into my arms. He sobs into my shoulder and I'm careful of his wounds keeping my hands in his hair and on his upper back.

"I just feel so weak." He mumbles.

"You are not weak. You are the strongest person I know. You've carried the weight of the world on your shoulders for so long, that you forget that every now and then you have to rest. I'll always be here when you need to rest. And if you break. I'll put you back together my love." He clutches onto my tighter. "Have a shower baby. Then I clean up the rest of these wounds." I say pulling away slightly.

"Wanna come with?" He says. And despite the ready eyes and battered body, he's still the Seth I know.

"You've ruined it." I say with a laugh. He smiles at me, that bright smile of his that makes my heart pound.

And it was then that I realized that this man that I've come to love is so much more than he lets on. And I'll forever love him for the fact that he's chosen to let me in his life.

Fixing the BrokenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang