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I'm standing in front of the tattoo/ piercing parlor and second guessing my decision to get my belly button pierced.

Correction: Noah's way of taking my mind off my house getting broken into.

I am just about to tell Noah nevermind when he drags me inside the shop and we see a pretty girl that looks about 20 with a bunch of piercings and tattoos standing at the front counter.

She glances at us then does a double take firstly checking Noah out, then her eyes move to me and check me out.

"Hey I'm Kate, is there something I can help either of you with?" the girl asks

"Yeah there is, I want to get my belly button pierced do you have any suggestions for the stud I should use?" I ask because I don't want her checking Noah out anymore. Damn we're barely friends and I'm jealous.

"Yeah absolutely! Over here, we have some diamonds which look really good and we have a bunch of sizes," she shows me over to the selection of belly button rings. "Or you could have a colorful one or just a metal one."

"I'm thinking a diamond. What do you think Noah?" I say picking up a small diamond. One that looks like it won't bother me but still be visible.

"I like that one or this one." He points out a silver ring.

"I think I like the diamond." I turn back to the girl. "Do you do the piercing, or is it someone else?" I ask kindly.

"No it's me I actually own this shop." She smiles at me.

"No way! That's crazy! You look so young holy shit!" I laugh.

"Yeah Ive always known I wanted to do this so.. here I am."

"Wow good job! The place looks great." I smile at her and she smiles back and leads me and Noah to a back room.

"Okay so I need you to pull your shirt up and just try to relax your stomach. You might want to hold your boyfriends hand... it's probably going to hurt."

I grab Noah's hand ignoring the fact that she just called him my boyfriend because I'm kinda freaking out right now.

"Okay I'll count down from three." I stare at where she's about to pierce.

"Hey," Noah turns my chin to look at him, "Eyes on me."

I feel the stinging on the needle going through my stomach and I close my eyes and squeeze Noah's hand.

"And... All done!"

"Open your eyes Carter."

I open my eyes and look down. It looks fucking awesome.

"Do you guys have a mirror?" She leads me to a mirror in the side of the room I keep my shirt lifted and look at my toned stomach that has been newly pierced. "I fucking love it."

"It looks great Carter." Noah comments. "I think I like the diamond too." He smirks a bit.

"Oh fuck off Noah." I laugh.

"You guys are a really cute couple." Kate comments. And before I can correct her Noah's arm slips around my waist and he kisses my temple.

"Thank you." He says casually like this was a common occurrence I smile at her not really knowing what to say.

We leave the tattoo shop promising Kate we'll come back when we want new tattoos.

Once we're outside I start to question him.

"What was that asshole. Saying we're a couple."

"I didn't say it she did."


"Okay okay fine I thought you're reaction would be funny and I was totally right you looked so confused."

"You're a dick."

"Stop thinking about my dick."

"I can't," I sigh dramatically, "It will never leave my mind."

"Well if you wanted to see it, all you have to do is ask."

My stomach flutters.

"Oh my god Noah fuck off." I laugh not really knowing how to respond to that.

"Come on, we're going to go get some stuff for dinner then I'm taking you somewhere." He says and once again my stomach feels like I'm on a rollercoaster.

Jesus Christ Carter get a grip.

I get into the passenger seat of his car and turn the radio on as we drive to Ruby's for takeout burgers, fries and milkshakes.


this is a short chapter because I just felt like writing. over the next probably 10 or so chapters it's going to be mostly Noah and Carter bonding so get ready for the love fest to begin. also I only wrote this because it's midnight and I'm eating goldfish and it just felt like the time to write.

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