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I don't respond to Noah because we arrive at the restaurant just as he finish whispering that to me.

We all get out and Dylan asks Kena if he can pull her away for a second. They walk to the side where there are a bunch of roses surrounding a fountain. And I see them talking before I watch a big smile form on Kena's face. She nods and Dylan hands her a rose, with a smile on his face as big as hers and he grabs her by throwing both his arms around her waist and spinning her around. She laughs and throws hers around his neck.

Finally. Jesus.

It took the dumbass long enough. He set her down and kissed her.

Again. Finally.

They stopped kissing and turned to walk back to us who were all watching so when they turned we all looked away and pretended to have a conversation.

"So you guys both stopped being asshole and are finally dating?" I ask bluntly receiving pointed looks from everyone standing around me. "I mean, What's up guys?" I lamely try to fix it.

"Yes Carter were dating now," Kena says intertwining her hands with his.

"Fucking Finally holy shit." I say receiving more pointed looks. "Oh fuck off assholes we were all thinking it."

They all just shake their heads at me and we walk inside the restaurant. We sit down and order our drinks.

"Noah it's your turn." Dylan says

"My turn for what?"

"Your turn to get a girlfriend." Noah chokes on his drink.

"Sorry, what?"

"Well on Friday were all giving our jerseys to someone, but your not we should all be able to do this together."

"Uh yeah guys, I don't know about that one."

"Just give it to Carter." Kena suggests.

This time I choke.

"No, Kena they have a pact. He can't just give it to a girl he doesn't actually like." I say with a pointed look at her. She just sends a smirk back.

"Great! Then I don't see the problem." Noah chokes again. Jake pats his back.

"You alright there bud?" Jake asks

"Peachy. Let's change the subject. Let's talk about how both Kena and Dylan have been in love with each other since Ms. Days class."

Both of them choke.

Yep everyone's choking! That sounds kinda kinky. Does it? I don't know I'm kinda stupid. Choke me. Sounds kinky. Whatever back to the story.

"YOU LIKED ME FOR 13 YEARS?" They both yell at the other one.

"I told you fuckers." I say smugly. Kena glares at me and they have a conversation about the wasted time and their awkward fazes and all that shit.

"Oh my god Dylan!" Seth says, "Remember in Sophomore year when we went up to what's his face... uhhh... Nathan Reed! And we told him if he asked Kena out we would ruin him?"

"N-no.." Dylan says looking down. I burst out laughing and Kena looks at him in shock.

"Same with Riley H, and Matthew N, and Kevin S, and Evan H, and Porter C, and so then the entire grade got the message." Noah adds.

"Guys if you don't shut up right now I'll beat the shit out of you." Dylan warns. Kena still looks shocked and I'm still laughing. Mads has joined me now and we're both crying.

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