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I woke up with my head pounding. I look over to my night stand and see advil, water and a note. I also see that it's 12 pm. I take the advil and drink the water. Then I try to focus my vision on the note.

I kicked everyone out of your place after you fell asleep at like 3 am. A lot of people were gone anyways. Take the Advil and rest. There's a smoothie in the fridge that's a hangover remedy.

No name was signed but I just assumed it was probably Maddie since she said she wasn't drinking. I text her a quick thank you for the smoothie which was actually pretty good. I go downstairs and see Seth passed out on my floor, Kena on the couch and a couple randos in the corners. I wake the randos and ask them to get out I start cleaning up the backyard of red solo cups.

After about half an hour I finish the backyard and I decided to go wake Kena and Seth up. I turn around and I see the sex god himself standing on his balcony shirtless watching me pick up trash in nothing but a t shirt.

"Hey," I wave at him , "Can you take Seth home? He's passed out on my living room floor."

"Yeah sure let me go put a shirt on and grab my keys." He answers.

I go inside and get Advil and water for both of them. I shake Seth awake first which he isn't happy about.

"Seth, Noah's going to come pick you up and take you home. Come on you big baby get up." He just groans and lays back down on the floor.

"Seth I'll make you lunch if you get up right now."

"I'm up, I'm up." He says jumping up.

"Hahahah okay we'll eat lunch, then Noah's going to take you home." Right as I say that Noah walks through the front doors.

"Hey." He says nonchalantly.

"Hey Noah." Seth says awkwardly, "Would you mind if I stayed at your house tonight."

"My moms having her friends over tonight I was going to ask Dylan if I could stay at his."

"You guys can stay here. You all can, we can invite Ollie, Dylan, Mads, Josh and Jake and we'll have a movie night and we'll get snacks it'll be great."

"Really?" They say at the same time.

"Yeah of course, I kinda didn't want to stay here alone anyways." They nod and I ask Noah to go wake up Kena and they call our friends while I make lunch.


"Yeah Carter?"

"I'm not sure why you don't want to go home," I see him tense at my words, "But you're always welcome here. Anytime you need to crash somewhere, we have an extra room, and my mom wouldn't mind."

He smiles at me, probably the first real smile I've seen on him.

We eat lunch and then the doorbell rings.


"HEY FUCKERSSS!" I hear Josh yell from the doorway. Him, Jake and Mads walk into the kitchen where me Seth Noah and Kena are.

"Heyyyy!" Kena yells back at them.

"We brought snacks." Jake says unenthusiasticly.

"Jake don't be too excited to be here." I say rolling my eyes and he makes a sarcastic smile at me which makes me laugh.

I'm currently in sweats and a tank top, Kena's in an oversized hoodie and nike shorts, Noah's just in sweats and a t-shirt, Seth said my house is too hot so he's just sitting in my kitchen in sweats which causes Maddie to blush. She's wearing a cropped t-shirt and leggings.

"Ollie and Dylan are going to be here in like 2 min-," Noah's interrupted by Ollie opening the front door and running in screaming followed by a very pissed off looking Dylan with coffee down the front of his shirt. I take one look at them and burst into laughter followed by everyone else in the room besides Ollie who's hiding behind Kena looking like he's going to shit himself and Dylan who looks like an angry baboon.

"Dylan, I have an old boyfriend's shirt in my room, you can borrow that if you don't want to wear coffee all over you all day." I say trying to contain my laughter.

"You want me to wear your ex boyfriends shirt?" He asks looking at me like I'm crazy.

"If you don't want it we can throw it in the fire. I've been meaning to get rid of that thing for a year."

Everyone laughs and Dylan looks slightly less appalled.

"Alright, at least tell me his name so it makes this less weird."

"Cade Hunter," I say.

Cue the freak out in


"CADE HUNTER?" Kena screams.

"NO FUCKING WAY YOU DATED CADE HUNTER?" Maddie's now screaming.


"Uh- Yes?" I say.

"Why'd you break up?" Jake asks.

"I was moving away and he had just gotten signed by some huge company and I didn't want that life for myself. I've always wanted a life in the suburbs where I could go to a restaurant without everyone recognizing my boyfriend."

"So YOU broke up with CADE HUNTER?" Kena asks looking kinda crazy.

"Who did you think "ex future wife" was about?" I ask smiling because I know Kena loves that song.


"I don't know probably not it's been a year," I trail off. "I don't care either way I didn't want that life then, I don't want it now."

Kena scoffs at me and mumbles something about me being ungreatful. I just laugh and realize that Dylan still needs a shirt.

"So Dylan.... you want the shirt?"

"Fuck it," He says, "Fine."


this chapter is basically just random foreshadowing so yeah ok bye

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