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After school Kena, Mads and I are all sitting on the bleachers waiting for the practice to start when Michelle walks over to us with her sidekicks.

They stand in front of us and cough loudly to get our attention.

I look at them for a minute disgusted then go back to my conversation with the girls.

"Excuse me bitch I'm talking to you." Michelle says looking like she wants to murder me.

"Your excused."

"Listen, I get that your new and all, but someone must've explained how things worked to you," she starts walking closer to me. "Noah, Seth, Ollie, and Dylan are mine. Do you understand?"

I stand up and I'm taller than her so now she has to look up to me.

"Listen sweetheart, you don't just just to go around claiming people. And as far as I know, I haven't done anything to get in your way. They chose to be friends with us. Not your crazy ass. So if you'll kindly get the fuck away from us that'd be great."

I turn around and start to walk away. She grabs my shoulder.

Bad move.

"Take your dirty hand off of me. Right. Now."

"Or what." I laugh but there is no amusement in it.

I grab her hand followed by her elbow spin her around and pull her arm behind her. So now she's facing away from me and one movement from me and her arm snaps like a twig.

"Stay the fuck away from me, bitch. You don't know what I'm capable of." I say to her. I release her with a little shove. "Scram."

Her and her little friends leave as quickly as they can. Heels clicking as the run away. I watch them leave until I hear a wolf whistle from the field.

I look down to see the whole team gathered below the bleachers close enough to hear everything that had been said.

Robert starts clapping and walking up to me.

"I gotta say Carter, thank you. I really hated that girl. She shows up to all of my practices and hits on all the guys. It's quite annoying."

"Well I don't particularly like it when she puts her grimy little hands on my body. Someone had to put her in her place."


Robert walks away and starts practice I take a couple pictures, but nothing really good today. Which is kind of sad. And I'll have nothing to do in yearbook next time either. We have our first real interviews after practice. Today we're interviewing Hunter and Damon.


So now we just wait.

And we watch.

Not that I minded watching. Except the fact that I can't take my eyes off Noah. Jesus Christ I feel like Michelle. But that boy is so fine. Oh my god. Like what I would give to have him over me with sweat all over him and his hair all messy. UGH. I need to stop before I make myself more horny that I already am. Then my phone buzzes on the bleachers snapping me out of my trance.


Carter stop fantasizing about Noah. You're starting to drool.

Fuck you bitch I'll do what I want💅
P.S. Are we staying for when Seth asks Mads out?

I don't know about you but I'm going to watch the show.

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