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I woke up Monday morning. That's it that's the line. On one hand I hate mornings I always have I always will, on the other I was so excited to drive my dream car. Even it was just to go to hell.

I dragged myself out of bed after laying there staring at the ceiling for a while because who the fuck actually gets out of bed the second they wake up? Anyways I head to the bathroom and splash my face with cold water, I dry my face and do my skin care and then I put on eyeliner, mascara, high light, and concealer. I don't wear a lot of make up because I have freckles and my face just looks weird without them.

I walk out of my bathroom and into my closet I grab baggy ripped jeans, a black tank top, and oversized jacket, and jordan's (pic at top). I get dressed then I open the curtains to let the natural light in.

I'm still half asleep as I walk downstairs to see my mom sitting at the counter with a cup of tea in her hands.

"Goodmorning Sunshine!" She laughs, because of the obvious scowl that looks permanently etched into my face.

"g'morning," I grumble back to her while I grab the black coffee that she made and a mug I grab a pop tart and my mom is about to give me the speech about how I have a nice body but if I keep eating the way I do, I'm gonna gain wait. I hold my hand up to stop her for a second before I sip my coffee and then look at her.

"I know the speech, mom, I basically have it memorized." She smiles at me while my scowl remains in place. My mom and I have a good relationship her and dad had me kinda early in their marriage so they were still young when I was born. She's always been my number 1 supporter and let me live my life how I chose to because she felt I needed to make decisions and mistakes for myself. Now the only time I get punished is if I lie to her or directly do what she told me not to do.

"Okay, okay, I got it, now go to school your going to be late." She says.

I walk upstairs and grab my bag and my keys. MY keys. That has a nice ring to it. I walk out the front door with a small smile now pulling on my lips. I yell goodbye into the house before I close the door and lock it. I hop into my Bronco and drive to Crestridge High.

I pull into the parking lot and drive around a bit before I find a spot. It's too big a parking lot for such a small school. I grab my bag and my phone and get out of my truck. No ones noticed me yet and I'm trying to keep it that way for now.

I walk through the front doors of the school when I feel someone put their arm around me. It's a girl with platinum blonde hair and she's about my height.

"Hey new girl, I'm Kena I'm supposed to show you around." She says as she walks with me through the hall.

"Hey, I'm Carter." I say with a smile, I'm honestly glad that someone's showing me around, Not that I think this tiny school would be that hard to navigate.

"Yeah I know who you are. Everyone knows who you are. We don't get a lot of new students around here."

"Yeah," i scoff. "It looks like you haven't gotten a new student since you guys started Kindergarten." I slap my hand over my mouth my she just laughs.

"Sarcastic. Feisty. I like you new girl." She says as she starts pulling me through the crowd again. "Lemme see your schedule." I hand her my schedule as she looks it over. "DUDE! We have the same classes. Fuck yeah!" I laugh as she loops her arm through mine as pulls me with her to her locker, then she shows me to mine.

As I'm putting my books away I see some kid get slammed into the lockers and a group starting to form around the kid and the person who pushed him against the lockers. I shove my books in and walk over pushing through the crowd. I see a bigger guy pushing this poor kid against the lockers, but I don't get a good look at the guy cause I'm busy looking at the fear in the kids eyes. I can hear Kena calling my name but I don't really care.

I grab the guys arm as he's about to punch the shit out of the kid.

"Stop! What the fuck are you doing???" I scream at him.

The guy just stares at me in disbelief for a second. Which then turns into confusion, and then anger.

"Take your fucking hand off my arm. Right. Now." He says with a rage in his eyes I haven't seen since my brother found out my dad died.

Oh yeah, Forgot to mention him. Oh brother dearest. When he found out dad had been killed by a drunk driver he went crazy. He went down to the police station and beat the to death before the cops could stop him. He was arrested and locked up. A year ago he was killed by some prison gang. We don't really talk about Jeremy anymore.

I keep my hand on his arm as I turn to the kid.

"Leave." I say to the kid because right now he's frozen with shock. I don't need to tell him twice I've never seen a guy run faster than he did. The big guy who I have my hand on yanks his hand out of my grasp and pushes me up against the lockers.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" He growls at me.

"You mean save a kid from getting the shit beaten out of him? Oh I don't know because you're twice his size and probably have no reason to fight that kid," I say to him. Half the people's mouths around us are wide open and gaping at me.

He lifts his hand to slap me but I grab it knee him in the groin to which he bends over slightly then ram my fist into his nose. He falls over clutching his groin with one hand and his nose with the other.

"Raise a hand at me again and you'll get worse than that. Asshole." I scoff at him and look around at the people staring at me like I'm a mutant.  "What?" I ask loudly to the group and they all scatter. I walk over to Kena who is frozen in her spot.

"Dude that was so badass." She says now laughing. I start laughing with her.

"Don't we have a first period to go to."

"Yes, new girl. I believe we do." She says looping her arm through mine. As we step over the big guy who's still on the ground.

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