Chapter 13 - The Beginning

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Sorry for not updating for so long. Writer's block SUCKS but now I know where I'm going with this story! 

I'll update soon. Love you guys to pieces.

ALSO - I want you guys to let me know what you think is a better idea:

I started on Imprisoned, and the prologue is up. It would be a story centered around Scott when he goes to jail; it would just include Scott and Mitch as characters.

The OTHER story I just started on is based on an asylum - I know there are some Scomiche stories like that but I'm basing it around the movie/book Girl, Interrupted. It would be Scott-centric as well but I'd be able to work all five of them in there.

I want you guys to choose which idea is better. This is important and I'll only write one of them. Just highlight and comment on which idea you want to see!!


To say that the rest of the shows flew by would be an understatement. All the time was spent by me panicking about what was coming in the near future. My parents knew something was wrong when I did pay my promised visit to them. They urged me to come home, but if I did that my friends could possibly be in a lot of danger.

Mitch had stopped talking for the most part again, maybe to protect me from finding out anything too much about what was to come but at this point I was really needing to know. Everytime I tried to bring it up though, he’d kiss me and put me under his spell. I didn’t want to force him to tell me anything by using my power so I was in a hard place. I just followed his lead.

The five of us sat in the airport getting ready to transfer to Lebanon, Kansas from Miami, Florida. The four of them seemed uncomfortable being in a place with so many people walking about where they weren’t in control. Seeing people walk around the circus was different; they fit in there because people assumed they were just a part of the show, but here they stuck out like sore thumbs.

Avi wore thick black eyeliner that made his green eyes even more intimidating than ever. His hair was to his shoulders and curly, sometimes he’d wear it in a ponytail. He always wore a long brown trench coat with a v-neck shirt underneath where his chest hair poked out. His black jeans were tight against his legs and his combat boots reached his mid-calf. They were laced up with small spikes around the soles.

Kevin had a red eye, which was intimidating all in itself but he was a nice person. His eyes were always kind and he was smiling most of the time unless he was uncomfortable. People looked at him funny because of the eye and I could tell he was self-conscious about it. He was around the same height as me and muscular, which probably added to him being intimidating to someone who didn’t know him. He wore a black leather coat and a red t-shirt underneath with black jeans and plain black boots.

Being one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met, Kirstie was also intimidating looking. Her eyes were lined with black and winged out to sharp points. Once in a while she’d wear dark purple lipstick that added to her true-to-self psychic look. Her outfits were ever changing, and today she wore a black mullet skirt with a lacy purple top and a black trench coat. Her combat boots were loose and they flapped against her black tights when she walked.

Then there was Mitch. Everytime I looked at him my brain went to mush. He was beautiful – pretty and handsome all at the same time. He was androgynous as anything. He wore a long-sleeved gray sweater with his leather jacket over it with tight black pants and short black boots. His hair was styled perfectly as were his eyebrows. He wore foundation that made his skin look radiant. He looked absolutely flawless.

We loaded onto our flight after the announcement and I got placed next to Avi. I immediately walked over to Kirstie and asked her to switch, but she declined, saying that Avi and I needed to ‘bond’.

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