Chapter 3 - Tarot

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Hey guys! Here's the first update since I posted part two in my one-shots a couple of months ago. I'll be updating this story on Wednesdays. Please enjoy :) and as always, vote and comment! <3 Love you guys so muchhhh!


One month had gone by since I first joined Mitch on the road with his strange surrogate family. Our relationship was something intense and dark; it was like nothing I had ever felt before. I refused to tell him anything about myself until he started opening up to me, but that was a failure. The relationship had become mainly physical, and while I was okay with that for the most part, I still wanted to know who he was. He was the most closed off person I’d ever met in my life.

His friends still hated me. They gave me dirty looks from where they worked throughout the circus if I walked by them. Mitch got me a job within the circus giving out food, which was remedial, but it was all he could get me. The only reason he did was because I’d have to sit in the trailer all night until he was done with his show. I was getting bored.

My parents were infuriated with me and had stopped talking to me when I told them I wasn’t coming home. At first they believed I was in trouble, but I told them I needed to be away from home for a while because too much had happened with my ex-boyfriend. They were furious with me. I had to do this though. Nothing interesting ever happened in my life before I met Mitch. He made me exciting.

I went backstage to where Mitch was putting on his show and waited for him to get off. The show finally ended and I felt eyes on me as I waited. His friend with the long hair was staring at me from down the hall. His name I learned was Avi, and he didn’t like me at all.

I waved lightly to him and he just turned and walked away. I sighed and then turned when the curtains opened and performers started filing through. I waited anxiously until Mitch finally came out last and then ran over to me once he caught sight. He immediately grabbed my neck and his mouth was on mine moving rapidly in desperation. He was always like this after a show because his adrenaline was through the roof and I was always ready for it.

I broke the kiss and pulled him outside and around the back to go into the trailer. Once we were inside, I shut the door and pushed him against it to crash my mouth back into his. My hands trailed under his red and gold jacket so I could feel the heat from his skin through the thin fabric of his t-shirt. His hands were all over me and they stopped at the belt on my pants before he brought them up to lift up my shirt.

He pulled the ugly red uniform polo over my head and chucked it to the side before he pounced onto me, wrapping his legs around my torso. I stumbled but caught him, balancing him with my hands under his thighs. I squeezed them at the touch and he moaned into my mouth, his tongue dancing against mine wildly.

I brought him over to the couch and started to lay him down, but he stopped me to take off his coat and reveal his thin black v-neck t-shirt underneath. “Jesus, Mitch…” I said in a slurred tone as I looked him up and down, his legs still wrapped tight around my hips. He still had the eyeliner on from the show and his brown eyes looked almost like they were glowing in the sunset’s glow. His hair was a mess on top of his head and I laced my fingers into it and gripped tight as I went back to kissing him hungrily, his entire body pressed up hard against mine.

His hands traced my bare skin with his finger tips and he slipped his left hand into the front of my pants, making me moan as my breathing hitched. I pulled away only for a moment before looking down at him to see those light brown orbs staring back at me like he was an animal. He wanted it so bad and I couldn’t deny him. He knew exactly how to draw me in with his seductive persona. He started moving his hand up and down against my underwear. I laid my head down on his shoulder and I let out a couple of deep moans feeling his hot hand against me.

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