Chapter 14 - Strength

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Ayyy. So there's no more update schedule. I'll be updating as quickly as I can with all of my stories. There's a new one coming soon and I'll be updating Imprisoned soon enough as well. 

Next chapter shit's going down. <3


My eyes opened to an all-white ceiling. I started to sit up, holding my head in agony as the blinding lights made it pound. I wanted to call out for Mitch, but I knew I wouldn’t get a response. I started to stand up slowly as I looked around. This was the room that they had talked about.

I walked the room for a while, seeing if there was any possible way of getting out, but I came up short as expected. There was no point of doing anything either.

I sat against the wall and bent my knees up to wrap my arms around them. Then I just waited. That’s all I could really do.


Mitch’s POV

In the blink of an eye Scott was gone. I immediately began to panic before rushing out of the room. I ran through the long hallways until I reached the staircase where I quickly made my way down to reach the front door. “Kevin?!” I yelled out but he was nowhere near.

“Mitch?” I turned to Avi who was coming slowly down the stairs behind me. “What is it?”

“Scott’s gone.” I said and went back into the house. “He vanished…in front of my eyes. He was there and then he was gone!”

“She’s taking us one by one…” He said, his eyes looking down in thought. “Where’s Kevin?”

I shook my head before he blew past me outside. I ran out after him and we split up to search the grounds for him.

After a while of looking around I decided to head back to the front of the house to meet with Avi again, but he never came back up. I went off in the direction he had gone to look for both of them, but after making a complete circle around the house I realized that I was completely alone.


Scott’s POV

I had my head down on my arms that were wrapped around me knees as I sat there. I waited patiently for anything strange to happen, thinking over and over about where Mitch could be. I was worried that she had hurt him too.

The lights went out.

I lifted my head up and dropped my arms to my sides as I sat and waited. I began to panic after a few moments and made myself stand up.

When the lights turned on, Kirstie was in front of me looking disoriented. I took in a shocked gasp and then walked forward to put my hands on her arms. “Kirstie?”

“How…did I get here?” She asked. “I was getting ready to go to breakfast…” She looked around the room and her breathing started to become rapid and shallow. “No! NO!”

“Whoa, relax…” I rubbed her arms up and down.

“This is the room she locked us in!” She said. “She left us in here for days…”

I gulped. “She only left Mitch and Kevin in here for a few hours, remember?”

“That’s only because you willed them out of it!” She yelled out of panic. “Now she knows what you are and she’ll make sure you stay in here!”

She walked away from me with her hands on the side of her head. “What are we going to do…” She said to herself quietly as she started to pace back and forth across the room.

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