Chapter 1 - Red and Gold

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Hi everyone! So I've been promising this as a full fic for quite some time now. This is just a repost of the original one-shots; I'll be posting new chapters soon enough! 

Thank you julygrhy and Scomichemylife for the incredible idea. I hope I do this fic proud! 

Here's the repost of the first one-shot, chapter two will be the second, and then I'll be posting new chapters after that! <3


If Scott could choose anything in the entire world to do right now…it wouldn’t be this.

“Come on, Emmy.” He called out to his baby cousin, who was too busy getting distracted by all the commotion going on around her. “You’re going to get lost!” Scott said. Why did his parents think taking his 4 year old cousin to the circus would be a good idea?! He was only 17 and knew nothing about children. He was stressed, and not just about losing her in the crowd – about everything. Even driving there was nervewracking because he had to entertain her and drive in traffic at the same time.

“Emily Rose!” Scott grabbed his cousin’s hand and made her turn towards him. She was blonde and blue eyed just like him with freckles spinkled across her cheeks. “Please listen to me.” Scott said, calming his voice down.

“But I wanna see da elephants!” She said and pointed down past the crowd of people where two very large elephants dressed in red and gold were being held.

Scott sighed. “Maybe after.” He picked up Emmy and started carrying her towards the large tent in the middle of the grounds. “We’re going to miss the show!” Scott tried his best to sound excited so Emmy wouldn’t lose her interest.

“Yay!” Emmy said happily and wrapped her arms tight around Scott’s neck.

Scott sighed. Only two more hours of this, tops. Then he could return Emmy back to his aunt and uncle and go out with his friends.

Once they were in their seats with snacks and sodas, Emmy looked up at Scott with worried eyes. “Is it gonna be sceh-wee?”

“No, it won’t be scary, I promise.” Scott smiled down at her and sighed as he looked out to the wide open stage. They were sitting really close to the front. Hopefully nothing would scare her - that was all he needed, a screaming child in the middle of a huge crowd.

The lights dimmed and the crowd started cheering as the show began. “Look Scotty, they’re flying!” Emmy stood in her seat and pointed out to the stage as she balanced on Scott’s shoulder. Scott took a sigh of relief and looked at his watch every few minutes to try and figure out when the show would end.

“WELCOME TO THE GRINGHAM ANIMAL CIRCUS!” A small man walked out into the middle of a stage accompanied by the two elephants Emmy so desperately wanted to see. She started jumping up and down and shrieking excitedly as the elephants walked out.

The small man, the ringleader, stood on a pedestal in the middle of the stage wearing a red and gold suit with a matching hat. He held a black staff with a gold head and hit the end of it hard on the pedestal, putting both hands on the gold head. “What you will see tonight will make you change the way you look at a circus…” Scott tuned him out as he upsold the show. All he could think about was having to sit there worrying about whether or not his cousin would fall over from jumping or get too tired and have a fit in the middle of the show.

The show went on, and honestly, Scott kind of enjoyed it. Emmy was going nuts the entire time, turning to Scott and smiling up at him. It made him feel good that he could actually take care of a child all by himself.

“NOW!” The ringleader took his place back on the pedestal. “We need a member of the audience…an adult, perhaps.” The man stepped forward towards the edge to the stage and Emmy started raising her hand.

Red and Gold (Scomiche)Where stories live. Discover now