Chapter 18 - Blue

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“HOW!?” Betty screamed, completely taken by surprise. She shimmied her shoulders to escape Scott’s grasp and stepped forward towards Kevin. Behind him Kirstie and Avi stood in the background with their weapons drawn, looking serious.

From the side, Mitch grabbed Scott’s hand and gave it a tug. Scott looked down to him and Mitch held his finger up to his mouth to keep him quiet. They walked out the side as Betty stared down her enemies, her anger becoming more and more unruly.

They entered the hallway and Mitch put his hands on Scott’s arms. “Did you really control her that whole time?”

“I knew you were coming…” Scott smiled down at him. “I did it!”

Mitch smiled momentarily at the pride on his boyfriend’s face but it quickly dropped when he realized she would only be distracted for a short amount of time.

“She’s going to hurt you.” His hands dropped down to Scott’s and he gripped them tight. “Unless you join her…”

“I’m not going to do that…”

Mitch nodded. “Then you need to run.”

Scott shook his head. “No. I’m not leaving you guys here to get hurt just to protect myself…” His voice was hushed and becoming scared. “What if something happens? She’ll come find me anyway.”

Mitch went to argue but a loud scream took his attention away. He paced to the door to the office and stared forward where Betty screamed at the top of her lungs towards the ceiling. The others started to cover their ears and when the pitch hit screeching levels, they all started to drop to their knees. Mitch stood his ground though even though the sound hurt him, but he had to get her to stop.


Mitch’s POV

My eyes were forcing to shut but I kept my eyes on the woman before me. Her arms were reaching behind her and her back was arched so her mouth was pointing directly at the ceiling. I looked over at my friends, who were all on the ground with their hands over their ears.

I turned away from the room where the sound wasn’t as harsh and went to ask Scott for a weapon, but he was gone. “Scott?!” I yelled, but it was pointless. No sound transmitted from my mouth.

In the distance, three men started to emerge from the staircase and I began to panic. I kept my hands on my ears and ran into the office to get my friends to run. I hit them all in the arms one by one and pointed out the other exit of the office. They slowly stood up, leaving their weapons behind and followed me out of the room. We all began to run until we reached the East staircase when the sound stopped.

“Our weapons!” Avi yelled and we all stopped short.

“We can’t go back in there!” I told them hastily. “The people she had in the woods are here…I think that’s what the scream was…like a call.”

Kevin shook his head. “Alright…maybe we can get into the basement…get some more weapons…”

“Where is Scott?” Kirstie asked. “Did you tell him to run?”

“I did…he refused…maybe he actually listened to me.” I said as a bad feeling settled in my stomach. He was gone so quickly and didn’t give me a hint as to where he was going.

“We’ll worry about him later, I promise.” Kevin said to me, his eyes full of compassion. “But we need to get some defense…let’s get into the basement before it’s too late.”

He walked past me and to the staircase with us all following quickly behind him. As we started down the main stairs, the house began to quiver and we all stopped.

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