Chapter 4 - Energy

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Late update sorry! It's still technically Wednesday where I am so... <3 hehe. I guess I'm following in Superfruit's footsteps (seriously I was getting so sad yesterday because it didn't come out until 11 my time????)

Here's chapter 4. I hope you guys like it. Please vote and comment :) <3


The next day I was going through the motions as I struggled through my shitty job. Bratty kids and rude parents were always coming in day after day and I was losing patience for it. I wanted desperately to do something else, but I wasn’t sure if Mitch would let. One thing I did learn about him – if he wanted something done his way; that was that. His mind was made up.

I went on my lunch break and went back to the trailer, getting cold eyes from the security guard as I walked by. At least Kirstie was beginning to believe that I was okay, but no one else here liked me. That was for sure.

Mitch was in his trailer getting ready for his show when I walked inside. He turned and stared at me through his charcoal lined eyes. “Hi.” He smirked and looked me up and down.

“Hey.” I said, trying to resist my temptation to take his mouth into mine. I had to focus on what was important. “I want a different job.” I told him and his face fell.

“Like what?”

“Well, I don’t know…what do your friends do?”

“Kirstie’s a psychic; she does her readings and tarot cards. Avi’s telekinetic and has other powers…and Kevin’s a healer who can mentally manipulate people…”

I raised an eyebrow. “So…what he heals people?”

Mitch shook his head. “Avi and Kevin work on this circus and help Kirstie with her readings. I used to help too because I’m a better mindreader than her…but then my parents died and I had to take over the show.”

I gulped. “So they don’t use their powers during the show?”

“No. Only during the off-season.”

“What do you mean?”

He finished his eyeliner and put it away into his drawer. “If you decide to stick around then you’ll see.” He said and stood up to put his jacket on. “I have a show to put on.”

He walked past, kissing me quick on the lips before disappearing out the door. I groaned when I realized I had gotten nowhere with him. I still had to go back to my crappy job and bear through it until he started to listen to me.

The rest of the work day was brutal, but I spotted where Kirstie’s tent was set up once my shift had ended. I still had another hour until Mitch would get out of his show, so I headed down cautiously knowing Kevin and Avi would be in there.

I opened the curtain cautiously and Kirstie sat on the floor where I’d seen her before, looking through a book. She lifted her head when she saw me. “Hi, Scott.” She said with a small smile on her face.

“Hi.” I said nervously and sat down across from her. “Can I talk to you?”

She tilted her head and nodded. Her eyes were lined with black eyeliner much like the color of her hair. “Sure…” She said, trailing off uncomfortably.

“You’re psychic…can…you tell me what’s really going to happen to me?”

Her mouth slanted and she shook her head. “No.”

“But why?” I wanted to call her a phony, but Avi walked in just as I was about to open my mouth. I immediately snapped it shut.

“It doesn’t work like that.” She said. “I’ll only get the vision when the time is right. I can’t just flip it on like a switch.”

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