Chapter 10 - Texas

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I am so excited to write the next chapter, you don't even know. If I can't contain myself I might update earlier than normal next week :)

Please vote and comment!! <3


“What do you mean me?” I asked, not taking my eyes off of Mitch.

“Yeah, why him?” Avi snarled from the corner of the bedroom. “That doesn’t even make any sense, Mitch.”

“It’s hard to explain.” Mitch said before he started to walk towards to where I sat on the bed. He looked down at me and reached his hand out so I would take it in his. I looked up at him and searched his eyes for answers, but he just stared back down at me sadly.

The alarm began to blare and I swallowed hard as everyone started to scramble towards the door. I grabbed Mitch’s hand harder and the grabbed my chin lightly to make me look at him. “It will be fine. Just stay with me…” He said to me.

“What do you mean me?” I repeated myself and he shook his head before giving my arm a light tug.

“We don’t have time for that now. We need to get to safety.”

“What about our stuff?” I pointed to our suitcases and he shook his head.

“That’s all replaceable. Let’s go.” He let go of my hand and headed towards the door, making me shoot up and follow him quickly. He stayed a couple feet ahead of me as we walked quickly down the hall. The number of people started to make him uncomfortable and I immediately noticed, so I grabbed his hand to make sure he felt safe.

He smiled lightly up at me and gave my hand a squeeze as we started into the crowded basement.

Thankfully we weren’t down there for long, and we immediately found Kevin and Kirstie when people started to file out. We tried looking for Avi, but instead of finding him down there we found him upstairs in the open watching the storm from one of the lobby windows.

“They didn’t scream at you for being up here?” Kirstie asked him as she approached him. Then she hit him hard in the arm. “You idiot! We were looking for you.”

I couldn’t contain the smirk that danced across my face. He looked horrified.

“I wanted to make sure nothing was going to happen…” He defended and put his hands up.

“It was just a warning.” Mitch said to him. “Nothing was ever going to really happen, especially if she knew we were safe.”

Avi walked past Kirstie and over to Mitch. “Now tell us why.” He said. “Why him?” He pointed at me without taking his eyes off of him.

“We need to go. We have a lot of traveling to do.” Mitch headed towards the door and I was sure to follow very closely so his friends wouldn’t try and investigate me.

“You better tell me.” I whispered to him as we made our way into the parking lot. It was oddly cool out and the gray sky was washing away into the distance. “I’m not playing any games.”

He stopped and turned to me suddenly. “This is NOT a game, Scott.” He said harshly. “And we’re not talking about this right now.” He eyed his friends who were beginning to catch up. “We’ll talk about it on the bus.”

I clenched my jaw in frustration, but he had already started walking again before I could say anything. This was going to be the longest bus ride of my life.


We were on our way again into Texas. I felt a little better being surrounded by somewhat familiar territory, but when we started to reach really familiar territory, I began to panic. I turned to Mitch, who had put his headphones in and was listening to music for most of the ride.

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