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When I woke up, I found that I was still in the same place. I felt very weak from the blood loss though. I seemed to have stopped bleeding for now, all that was left was the dried blood caked all over my face.

I tried getting up but immediately fell, my whole body felt like lead. It took me awhile but using the last bit of my strength, I got up. Luckily there was a wall right next to me and I used it as a leverage to help me get up.

Using the wall to help me walk, I didn't know where to go now. I couldn't go home, I'm still too weak and Mom would obviously know I snuck out with all this blood all over me, plus this might scar too. Where should I go?

I started heading to the only place I could think of.


I knew he said he would be away for 3 days on a mission...I don't know where else to go.

After a long tiring walk, with no interruptions. I finally arrived at Kakashi's house, I grabbed the key that was under the mat and unlocked the door. Though the minute I did, I was crushed by a large man's arms. Screaming on the top of his lungs.

"Kakashi, my rival! How the spirit of youth guides us together! NOW! Let us engage in a game of rock, paper, scissors!"

I groaned in pain as he crushed my whole being. I think I'm going to pass out again. Finally he let me go and set me on the ground.
I breathed in the oxygen and smacked the guys hand off of my shoulders.

"Do I look like Kakashi to you? Look I can assume you and Kakashi are close, so let me stay here until he comes back, and help me with my injury as well."

"I- can't be. Kakashi had a daughter?! And he didn't think to tell me!" He held his fist in front of his face, while sniffling. I can only assume he was crying a waterfall of tears.

I tried to explain that I wasn't Kakashi's daughter but the guy never gave me a chance, he started interrogating me.

"Who is your mom? How come I've never seen you before? Why are you all hurt?"

I kicked the guy's shin very hard to gain his attention. "Look old man, I just need you to help me clean my wound. I'll answer all your questions, after Kakashi comes back." I pushed him aside and went into Kakashi's bathroom trying to look for some first aid, when I couldn't find any I knew I would have to go to and ask the strange man for help. I should ask for his name though, he is helping me.

"Found the first aid!" I came back to the living room and the guy was holding the first aid.

"Thanks, umm.."  The strange man understood and introduced himself.

"Oh, right!" He jumped from his spot and posed dramatically, pointing towards himself. "I am the green beast of Konoha Might Guy!"

That was the most bizarre thing ever, I feel like I've been blinded. Well I feel as if I could have been blinded.

"Whatever, just help me with this before I pass out."

Guy fell to the floor crying at me for ignoring his 'Youthful introduction' after his very short crying session he helped me clean my face and patch up the cut on my face.

"So what brought you here to my rival's house?"

"Well, as you can see." I pointed to my face. "I was injured, I didn't want to go back home because of my Mom, the hospital as well, they would have to contact my mom. So I went to my next bet, Kakashi."

He was about to speak but I covered his mouth before he could.

"Before you say anything, no I am not Kakashi's daughter. I am his student, and he is my sensei." I released my hand from his mouth allowing him to talk.

"I never knew Kakashi had a student, after all he failed the rest of the squads he was teaching. What makes you so special?" He grasped by hands and moved his face in front of mine, too close for comfort might I say.

"Could it be the power of youth?!"

I turned away from him so I wouldn't have to smell his breath, "Possibly the fact that I'm blind, he's been training me for a little over a month now. Even though I'm still blind I have other ways to help me see and Kakashi helped me do just that."

Guy started screaming very loudly, "The power of youth burns intensely in you!!" He began to cry again. "Oh how lovely!! That's so nice of Kakashi to take you in like that!"

Man is this guy weird or what? I stood up from my seat and walked away from him, if I stay with him any longer than I'm going to get a migraine. I headed to the front door about to leave, yet Guy comes and places his hand on my shoulder gripping it tightly.

Suddenly his whole demeanor had changed, he seemed a lot more calm now. "Hey, you still haven't told me what happened to you."

"I'll wait to tell Kakashi, you're kind of weird, and scare me, so I'll be taking my leave now." I opened the door and shut it in his face. I guess I should go home, but I really don't want to feel Mom's wrath at the moment. I could hide out at Kakashi's place but that guy is there too, so that rules that place out.

I started walking to the training grounds, many thoughts kept running through my head. 'Why did I have to leave my room? Who was that man, and why did he cut my face like that? What even happened?' I didn't even know I had arrived at the training grounds until I could feel the grass beneath my feet.

I sat under a tree and leaned against it while trying to calm my nerves. I allowed myself to relax as my thoughts became more clouded. Until I was brought back by one fact.

Itachi had a little brother didn't he?


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