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(Just something I drew for fun. I kinda like it though)

A couple of weeks have passed since I've been to Ino's house. I've started to attend the academy every day, mostly looking forward to seeing my friends. I've actually talked with Kiba, that was long overdue as well. I felt kind of bad that I hadn't talked to him since when I first arrived. To which quickly he replied telling me that it was okay.

Ever since I started talking to Kiba we've been hanging out a lot more, I even got Kiba and Naruto to hang out for a bit! I feel a little better now that Naruto has a few other friends rather than me. I love Naruto to death, but sometimes I need a break from his energetic self. I can't keep up with him sometimes, where does he get the energy from? And how does he never get tired, especially when playing? He could go on for hours and I mean it.

I've only been training when I can find the time, which I don't have as much as before, but I still get a good amount. Kakashi is actually quite happy for me that I've made quite a few friends. Though as of recently I haven't been doing so well for my training, I was having trouble focusing and I would often find myself lost in my thoughts. Kakashi and Guy started to notice as well, and became very concerned. It wasn't until recently did I realize that Sakura and I..we haven't actually had a full conversation since..well for a while. I knew I had to do something to try and fix our relationship, I would hate for us to stay like this forever.

No full conversations, no late night talking, no more "I love you". I want to be able to have the relationship that we once had...and I have a feeling that if I can fix this bond with Sakura..maybe, just maybe Ino could fix hers with Sakura. Although it was Sakura who broke off their relationship...

I have a goal, and now I have to think of a plan. Sakura tends to avoid me at school, though as much as she tries to avoid me at home, she can't always. I'll just have to corner her, and if worse comes to worse I'll have to bring out the big guns. With a plan in motion, I waited for this day to come to an end and prayed that this plan would work.

"Alright, since today's lesson is done, I've decided to let you out a little early."  Iruka explained.

Iruka dismissed the class early and we began filing out one by one. I waited outside of the academy for Naruto so we could walk home together. After he exited the academy Naruto found his way to me and we began to walk home together.

"Hey Naruto, I have a favor to ask." I said, fiddling with the sleeve of my shirt.

"Yeah what's up?" Naruto asked, his voice laced with worry.

"So, I've decided that. I really want to fix my relationship with Sakura. I hate not talking to her anymore, she just ignores me. It's my fault that our relationship is in shambles. So.." I pumped my fist in the air in determination. "I'm going to fix everything!"

Naruto put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "How can I help?"

"Well, you could try to distract Mom. If things turn out the way I think they'll turn out. There is going to be at least some form of fighting. So your job is to keep her away, at least try to."  I explained.

"Right! I'll do my best Sorey! Anything for my best friend!" Naruto said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

Naruto and I continued to converse until we made it back home. Upon entering the house we were greeted with the amazing smell of Mom's home cooking."Mmmm, that smells wonderful. Wonder what she's cooking." Naruto questioned.

Naruto and I took our shoes off and greeted Mom in the kitchen.

"Oh hey Sorey, Naruto. Glad to see your back. I've just begun preparing dinner." Mom said, hugging the both of us. She went back to the counter and started dicing something. "I'm making your favorite Naruto."

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