Chunin Exams II

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The examinees stood outside the entrance of the forest of death. The whole area was caged in, so that nothing could get out. Naruto gasped in awe. "Woah, what is this place?"

Anko, who stood at the entrance leaning against the fence, spoke up. "It's the 44th battle training zone. But we call it the Forest of Death." The wind started to blow harder making the training zone seem that much more intimidating.

That was until Naruto was chased around by a square rock, disrupting the exam. Apparently the academy newspaper was doing interviews for the Chunin exams and Anko forgot to tell everyone.

So while team 7 and Anko went to go get interviewed everyone else waited for the interviews to be done with so they could get back to the test.

Sorey sat with her team as they waited for the interviews to be done, when all of a sudden one of the academy kids walked up to Sorey. The little girl had orange hair and two giant pigtails white goggles on her forehead. Goggles that looked suspiciously like Narutos old ones.

"Um excuse're Sorey Haruno right?" The ginger asked as Sorey nodded in reply. "Do you think I could interview you for the academy newspaper?"

Sorey smiled nodding. "Sure I have a few minutes to spare. What's on your mind little one?"

The little girl puffed her cheeks out while pouting. "My name is Moegi, not "little one"." She pulled out a notepad and pen. "I'll start with the interview. Tell me about yourself, Sorey, why did you want to become a ninja?"

Sorey leaned against Tamahome as she thought for a bit. "Well, at first it was to show everyone that you can be a shinobi no matter what, if you're blind, mute, deaf. I wanted to inspire people to follow their dreams."

Moegi began writing down the information. "Well what's your dream now Sorey?"

Sorey smiled and wrapped her arms around her teammates and hugged them tightly. "It's still the same but the only thing that changed is..I want to protect the people I hold dear to me."

Nuriko groaned in annoyance but didn't do anything to get out of her hug. Meanwhile Tamahome leaned into the hug even more.

"Wow that's so cool Sorey!! I also have one more question. You're someone I look up to very much, and well.. What do you have to say to people of the academy? What's something you wish you knew back in the academy?"

Sorey released the two from the hug, putting her hand on her chin in thought. "Being a shinobi is not as easy as it looks. There's a lot of training that happens for people to get as strong as they are. Not just in the body but in the mind as well. There's many challenges everyone will face as a shinobi."

Moegi looked at Sorey with stars in her eyes. "Wow, you're so cool Sorey!!" Moegi's name was called by her friends. "Oh- I have to go, but it was nice meeting you!" She ran away waving to Sorey.

"Well that was...interesting." Nuriko said, leaning against a tree with her other teammates.

Once the interviews were done the three academy kids left and Anko was back in her original spot ready to explain the next exam to the kids.

"This place is called the Forest of Death, and you'll soon realize why." Anko said, scaring some of the people, although there were some who weren't scared.

Naruto, for example, began to mock Anko. "This place is called the Forest of Death, and you'll soon realize why" He mimicked speaking in a high pitched voice. "That kind of threat won't work on me one bit! I can handle anything!" Naruto yelled, a big grin on his face.

"Is that so?" Anko spoke, tilting her head ever so slightly while smiling. "Looks like we've got ourselves a tough guy."

With a smile still present on her face she grabbed a kunai and threw it at Naruto, cutting his cheek. She disappeared from everyone's sight and appeared right behind Naruto.

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