Sadness and Jealousy

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Before Sorey knew it, two more months had passed. In these past two months she hadn't seen much of her team because of how many C ranked missions they have been receiving, and they were always out of the village. Sorey can't remember how many times Tenten and Lee had apologized to her about having to leave her behind. And promised to train together when they would get back together.

All the time when they would be away from the village, Sorey would ask Kakashi to help her train or she would train on her own. A few times she ran into team 3 where Nuriko would demand Sorey for a fight and each time Sorey would ignore Nuriko, her mind off somewhere else. And each time Nuriko saw Sorey he would make a beeline for her and demand her to fight him.

"Fight me, you and me, right here right now!" Nuriko demanded once again. Sorey sighed, this was the third time today that Nuriko found her and wanted to fight her. "No thank you, I have somewhere to be." Sorey walked around Nuriko and stuffed her hands in her pockets. Nuriko, finally having enough, grabbed Sorey's elbow and yanked her back. "I said, fight me!!"

Nuriko threw a punch to Sorey who dodged and turned around to Nuriko. "I said I was busy, what part of-" Nuriko began to throw a whole barrage of punches. "being busy, do you not understand!" Sorey ducked under Nuriko's punch and twirled around behind him. "I have a team meeting right now, so I really have to go." Sorey quickly ran off leaving a steaming and annoyed Nuriko.

Sorey ran to the meeting place of her team which was, of course, the training grounds. Upon arriving she noticed she was the last one there and everyone had been waiting for her. "Sorry for being late, this guy tried to fight me so-"

Neji interrupted her. "Oh not this same excuse, if you're going to have an excuse at least start changing it instead of using the same excuse." Sorey rolled her eyes and ignored Neji.

Gai clapped his hands. "Well now that everyone is here, I have an announcement to make. In just about a month the chunin exams will be happening, I'm sure you all know of these exams." He crossed his arms as his face became serious. "Now these exams are no joke, it is completely your choice whether or not you participate in this. Once you have decided if you want to participate let me know, and I'll give out the rules."

Gai leaned against the tree as team 9 sat by themselves thinking about the chunin exams when Tenten stood up. "Well if these chunin help me become strong then, I'm totally up for it." Neji stood up and walked beside Tenten nodding his head in agreement. "I agree, I want to take part in these chunin exams."

Meanwhile Rock Lee and Sorey were still unsure of themselves if they wanted to partake in the exams. At the same time Rock Lee and Sorey stood up from the ground and shook their heads. "I'm sorry guys, but I want to wait before we take these chunin exams, there's still things I need to work on." Sorey bowed in apology along with Lee. "Me as well! There is still too much for me to do in order to do these exams. I am very sorry, but when the time comes for us to take these exams. I will do my absolute best!" Rock Lee said, speaking in a loud voice.

Gai came back and looked at each member of the group. "Well, it's decided, none of you will be able to take the exams." Gai put his finger up. "In order to take the exams, you must enter with a team." He smiled and gave his team a shining smile with a thumbs up. "Let's work harder for the next chunin exams! 50-no 80 laps around the village! Onward!!" Gai began running with Lee following him shortly.

"Let's go. Let's work hard together so we can enter the next chunin exams!!" Tenten said, grabbing both Sorey and Neji's hands so they would run together. Sorey light blushed at the contact but didn't let it bother her. She ran along with Tenten. "Yes, let's work together!"


Inside a cave were five people, a team of three ninjas, a rogue ninja along with a well dressed girl. The girl laid on the floor with a head injury, knocked out. While the rogue had captured one of the ninjas.

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