Retrieval Part Two

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Sorey quickly ran through the forest, she frowned to herself as she felt large vibrations in the ground. She clicked her tongue in annoyance. "They're fighting." She spoke to herself.

Weaving through the trees, she began noticing how a large number of the trees all around her were now but stumps. The result of a wind jutsu. She briefly encountered Shikamaru and Temari. Ignoring their words as she sped past them.

She reached a clearing where three people stood. Gaara, Rock Lee, and the person they were fighting. However the fight seems to have concluded. "Is everyone okay here?" she murmured, more to herself as she focused on the vibrations ahead in the forest; noting Sasuke and Naurto were still fighting.

Before either of them could reply Sorey spoke. "I know you're there, no sense in hiding. Come on out." She crossed her arms, turning around to face the forest ahead of her. The same direction where Naruto was.

A man emerged from the shadows of the forest. He was a tall lean figure, his blue eyes sharp and calculating. His lime-green hair fell into disarray around his face, framing his features. He wore a dark blue sleeveless tunic with an orange jerkin, adorned with a yellow intricate pattern and dark blue pants paired with black boots.

Floating around him was a pair of meteor hammers, spinning dangerously. "Looking for someone?" The man taunted, thrusting his right arm out and his weapons followed his path as one struck Sorey.

Sorey barely had any time to react before Gaara's sand instinctively rose to protect her. Rock Lee struggled to stand up, trying his best to help before he fell back on the ground. His previous battle took way too much out of him, especially considering he's supposed to be in the hospital.

"Who are you?" Gaara demanded, his voice betraying no fear.

"A mere traveler." The green haired man lied smoothly, his gaze fixed on Sorey. "But I see I've stumbled upon an interesting party."

Sorey clenched her fists. "I know you're lying. Tell us who you are."

The man laughed darkly. "My name is Suboshi and you..I'm going to enjoy killing you." His meteor hammers spun around him dangerously. "But not before you tell me where my brother is!"

Sweat dripped down Sorey's neck. "No wonder your chakra felt so familiar..Amiboshi, right?" She laughed humorlessly. "Even your names rhyme."

Launching his Meteor Hammer at her, Sorey countered. Raising a small earth wall, meanwhile Gaara's sand clashed with the weapon creating a dust cloud.

Sorey performed a few hand signs and sunk into the earth, with Gaara fighting Suboshi she took this as the perfect moment to use him as a distraction.

Gaara's sand snaked towards Suboshi, attempting to bind and crush him. He grabbed his meteor hammer with his hand and threw it to the floor. With the amount of force he used, the hammer went underground.

Just as Gaara's sand reached Suboshi, his own hammer broke through the ground at Gaara's feet and flew upwards with blinding speed and hit Gaara in the head.

Gaara flew and hit the ground, his sand body armor flaking off his body. "W-What the-" Before Suboshi could finish his thought two small pale hands came through the ground and grabbed his feet. His body was yanked into the earth as he traded spots with Sorey, only his head above the ground.

"Gaara can you finish this? Maybe get some answers? I need to get to Naruto before-" There was a huge spike in chakra where Naruto was.

"Yes, go. I can deal with this." Gaara spoke, standing back up without a scratch. His sand body armor was fixed.

Sorey ran to Naruto not before taking Suboshi's meteor hammers and throwing them far away from them..somewhere else. (bro launched that shit into the sky we ain't gonna know where that's gonna land.)

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