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Nuriko groans as he wakes up, the first thing he notices were the chakra cuffs on his hands. Where was he, and why was it so dark? He let his eyes adjust to the dark and looked to his left. There laid Sorey, unconscious on the floor, he let out a gasp and attempted crawling towards her. He let out a small groan as he remembered his arm had been broken. Instead he opted to kick her.

"Sorey, wakeup! We need to get out of here." He called out, kicking her in the shin. Nuriko's tongue clicked in annoyance when Sorey didn't wake up. "Shit, how long has it been?" Nuriko asked, questioning himself. He looked around the room surveying his surroundings, but he couldn't see much as he was in the dark.

But then he remembered who could see in the dark. He looked over to Sorey once again and bent over and screamed into her face. "Wake up you mole rat!!" Nuriko got what he wanted and woke Sorey up..but not without a headache, literally.

Sorey woke up with a jolt and immediately sat up and knocked heads with Nuriko. Both of them groaned from the pain. "Gosh, what the heck is your head made of? It was as hard as a rock." Nuriko said, now sporting a small bump on his forehead, as was Sorey.

"Shut up, wannabe lady." Sorey said, trying to concentrate on her surroundings. She let out a small sigh in defeat as she realized the room they were in was not made of earth property but the floor was made of wood. If only she didn't have the chakra suppressor cuffs on her she'd be able to spread her chakra on the floor to be able to see.

"The floor's made of wood, so I can't see where we are. But first we need to break out of here, and then we need to find Mizuki and the kids." Sorey said. "You have abnormal strength so break free from those cuffs Nuriko, then break mine. After we'll-"

"You'll what?" A voice interrupted Sorey. Both froze and turned to where they heard the voice. Nuriko was surprised, he didn't know there was someone in the room with them the entire time. Sorey though..was frightened, she recognized that voice right away. It belonged to councilman Danzo, and Kakashi had warned her of him. She knew right at this moment something was terribly wrong.

Danzo smirked as he stood up, two torches lit up as he walked down two small steps from his chair (Throne). "There won't be any escaping, not you, or those damned beasts." He spat, speaking of Mizuki and her children.

Sorey growled at the man. "Don't call them that!! They're not beasts!! If anyone here is a beast it's yo-" Sorey's head was turned to the side, her mouth wide open as a red mark was displayed on her cheek. Danzo had just slapped her.

"Shut up scum. Don't you dare speak to me like that." Danzo spoke calmly, turning around to walk back to his seat. "Not a peep from you two, or I will have to cut off that tongue of yours."

Both Nuriko and Sorey nodded at the man and waited for him to speak, whatever he had to say, was important. "As I am sure, you both want to know what's going on. Well it hasn't been long since my subordinates have taken you here. But the Hokage has died at the hands of Orochimaru." He chuckled to himself, he finally has a shot to become the next Hokage now that Hiruzen is out of the picture.

Nuriko's eyes welled up with tears. "Fuck.." He whispered to himself. Sorey glared at the floor, her thoughts were haywire, what happens now that Lord third is dead. What if-

"As for you two." Danzo spoke darkly. "You two have gotten in the way, you should be glad your lives were spared. But I can't have you blabbing about what happened here and out there can I..?" With just a snap from his fingers four anbu came out, two anbu were on each side of the genin holding them back. Danzo stood up, and first walked to Nuriko.

"Open his mouth." He demanded. The anbu on the left side of Nuriko harshly opened Nuriko's mouth for Danzo. With a few hand signs a sign appeared on the back of Nuriko's tongue. A symbol of three solid lines at the back of his tongue and two broken lines at the tip of his tongue. The jutsu was now completed.

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