Springtime of Youth

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(Art indeed does belong to me)

It was the end of the week as Friday rolled around, and I knew what that meant. Guy Sensei would be meeting me at the training grounds to work on my taijutsu and endurance. I internally groaned as I left the academy, I would actually die if Guy Sensei became my actual permanent Sensei. There's only so much of that, 'youth' I can take. Luckily I only see him once a week, since he has his duties as a jounin.

"Hey Sorey, wanna hang out with me today? My mom bought some stuff so we could bake cupcakes! We could even have a sleepover as well if you wanted to." Ino asked, catching up to me as I was leaving.

I stopped and allowed Ino to walk with me. "I would love to hang out with you and sleepover, but.."

Ino groaned as she heard the last part, "But what, oh wait! Let me guess you have training again." Ino said, a little annoyed. "Even I don't have that much training, my dad never makes me do it this much. Don't you think you can just...skip this training for once?"

I sighed and stopped walking. "I can't Ino, if I do skip, then that just means double the work the next time my sensei comes. Plus if I do miss, knowing him he'll just tear up the whole village looking for me." I shivered. "And I don't want that to happen, although I could try to get off a little early today, and make a quick run to my mom's house and ask."

I continued walking to the training grounds, with Ino still following me. "Do you think I could accompany you while you train? I won't get in your way, can I just watch?"

We had arrived at the training grounds, I shrugged not really caring. "Sure, I don't care either way." I put my hands on Ino's shoulder. "Fair warning, Guy Sensei, is a bit...eccentric. So it might be a bit..weird or disturbing." A pointed to a tree not to fair away from where I would be training. "Go sit there, you won't be in the way and you won't get hurt either."

I ignored Ino's yelp as I walked up to Guy Sensei. Just as I was about to reach him, I was lifted in the air and spun around by none other than Guy Sensei. "MY LITTLE BLOSSOM!! IT'S BEEN SO LONG!!" Guy yelled as he spun my limp body around in circles.

"Guy Sensei, it hasn't even been that long, I saw you last week." I said, finally trying to wiggle out of his grasp. Having no luck, I kicked him in the gut really hard. I landed on the floor and fixed my clothes.

"Yeesh, ever hear about personal space?" I grumbled to myself, fixing my clothes. Once I resituated myself I started stretching and getting ready for who knows what.

"Alrighty! Today I have come up with something rather easy. So first-" He pauses. "Sorey!! Is that a friend?!" Guy starts screaming and balling.

"You have a friend!! I- I'm so proud of you!! Oh the springtime of youth strikes once again!!!"

"Alright, Alright. Calm down Guy Sensei! We still need to train, do you think we could end training a little early by the way? I want to hang out with Ino." I explained, swaying a bit.

"Well of course!! Anything for my blossom!! Now let's get started! Fifteen laps today!!"

Now onto training! I began running around the training grounds before I was interrupted.

"Around the village!!" Guy exclaimed.

I stopped running and fell to the ground in a depression. "Fif-Fifteen laps around the whole village?!" I ended up screaming at Guy.

SightlessTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon