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I watched as the group left, the pain in my side was intense. I tried not to look down, hoping I could distract myself from the fact that there was a giant stab wound in my side. Loki looked at me, vengeance plastered on his face. He ran out the door, after the group, only to be forced back in the room by a very angry Tony Stark.

"Oh, no, you're not going anywhere, fucking traitor!" He had his hand open, ready to blast Loki into next millennia.

"Out of my way, they cant get away with this! They'll destroy us all!" He shouted.

"THEY ALREDY HAVE!!!" Tony roared. "They nearly killed all of us!" He motioned angrily around the room. "I'm not risking lives to get petty revenge." His eyes fell on me at first he looked upset, then his face went blank.

"Let's get out of here." He said. I tried to stand, but couldn't. I looked over to Brunnhilde, Thor had went to her, and was at her side. I hope shes okay, Thanos really slammed her down. I sat up a bit and was met with more pain. I looked down to my wound. Nat's suit was ripped and torn, and was turned an even darker shade of black. Sorry Nat, I think your suit's screwed. I pulled at the material. I saw someone kneel in front of me. I looked up and was met with Loki's sympathetic gaze. He looked to my side and back at me, standing up and holding his hand out to me. I took his hand and he pulled me up, it hurt my sliced open hands like crazy and I winced. Then, as I steadied myself, I felt the cut in my side, burning horribly. I grabbed my side and leaned forward. Loki put his hand on my shoulder to steady me, only to accidentally squeeze where the womans spear had pierced my shoulder earlier. I let out a pained noise.

"Jesus, Y/N, I told you to stay with the people. Why didnt you listen!?" Tony said.

"Smurfette attacked us in the corridor." I said, barely able to think of anything but the pain. "Then, me and Brunnhilde came to help."

"You didnt help, you deviated from orders."

"I-" I started, but was cut off.

"I told you to stay with the kid." He warned.

"Can we just get the ship?" Loki asked, from my side. Tony shot daggers from his eyes.

"I dont remember asking you anything." He said, in a cold tone. "I told you both to stay with the kid, and you didnt. You both went against my orders." He looked to Loki "I should have thrown you in a cell as soon as you stepped foot in my damn tower. You are going straight back to Earth they're going to lock you up and throw away the key. I'll make sure of it." He turned to me, his eyes full of anger. "Y/N, you are no longer a part of this team. Once you're on Earth, you're done." My heart sank to the floor.

"SHE SAVED ALL YOUR LIVES!!!" Loki shouted. I could feel his anger. I suddenly felt less safe, standing next to him. He turned to Tony, rage on his face. "She battled a TITAN. and WON. While the rest of you mewling quims cowered in the corner, like children! She is the reason you pathetic mortals are still breathing. Dont you dare try to remove her!" I didnt win. He just didnt kill me.

"That is not your decision to make! You are in no place to speak, traitor!" Tony boomed. Nat walked between the two.

"We're all tired, let's just get to the ship and recover." She said, calmly. I nodded to her and she returned to helping Clint. Tony whipped around and walked out the door. I followed, Loki helping me. We walked out the door and Tony stepped in front of Loki.

"Once we get to the helicarrier, you know exactly where you're going." He said, through gritted teeth. Loki walked past him, to the end of the hall, where the port was. A familiar masked face hopped down. He stopped in his tracks and pulled his mask off.

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