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We had finally repaired the ship, and were about to take off. I didn't want to leave Titan. It felt like I was leaving Peter and the others behind. I kept thinking about the first time I met him, not so long ago. I replayed all the memories I had made with each member over the weeks we had spent together.


"Too slow!" Peter shouted, dashing past me. He laughed, shooting a web onto a tree and pulling himself forward.

"Hey! That's cheating!" I called after him, quickening my pace. He was already too far ahead. I heard someone behind me, and looked back. Sam was running at an increasing speed.

"Whatcha doing, Sam?" I asked as he ran next to me.

"Looking for my cat." He said, out of breath. " 'Cmere, Whiskers!" He called before speeding up, turning the corner ahead of me and disappearing. I turned a momment after, only to see Peter, hanging upside down from a post in  the wall.

"What took you so long?" He asked. I went faster.

"I dont associate with cheaters." I said, running past him. He followed me, running instead of using his webs.

"Using your endurance powers is cheating." I hopped over a large stick as we came to a bridge.

"Increased endurance is a skill, not a power." He laughed and shook his head.

Our feet thudded against the long wood bridge as we crossed over it. I looked to him, grinning. I hopped up on the bridge's railing and ran across it, balancing myself. Peter did the same, matching my pace. I looked to him, again.

"This is our bridge, now!" I said, smiling.

"Y/N and Peter's bridge!" He pumped his fists in the air.  We both hopped off the railing onto solid ground.


"That's not how you do it." Quill sighed, from the corner of the room.

"I'm doing exactly what you showed me." I replied, rolling my eyes. I handed him his gun. He stepped up on the ledge, and catapulted himself off it at an angle, spinning around and firing his gun at the target. He landed on his shoulder and rolled to the side, standing up as he did. He hit the target in the center, a perfect shot.

"I've never used a gun like that before." I said, as he handed it back to me.

"My blaster  is the same thing as your glowing balls." He replied, turning around and walking back to his seat.

"Okay, then." I made a mass of energy and floated it in front of him. "You try with this, I'll try again with your blaster." He turned back around. "Loser buys lunch." He smiled and nodded.

"Ladies first." He said, bowing sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and stepped on the ledge. I launched myself off of it, copying his moves and firing the blaster as soon as my eyes locked on the target. I landed perfectly, sat doing up and turning to the target. I threw my hands in the air in triumph.

"Bullseye!!" I exclaimed, turning to Quill. He hopped up and fiddled with the ball of energy.

"How do you use this thing?" He asked, poking it.

"You just shove it forward." I said, moving my hands in a pushing motion. He nodded and did the same move, shoving the energy forward. It sailed through the air, hitting the target a few inches from the middle. He whipped to face the target and groaned.

"That was pretty good, for someone who has never done that before." I commented, as he turned back to me. "Now, I'll let you choose where we go, since that was a damn good shot."

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