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"Y/N!!" A familiar voice shouted from the comms. I turned around to see Peter, waving at me from across the battlefield. 

"Spidey! I freaking missed you!" I responded, trying no to freak out. 

An outstrider lunged at me and I shot it back with a hit from Mjolnir. 

"Whoa! You can lift it?!??" Peter exclaimed in amazement. 

"That's not the only thing I can do..." I said, forming a ball of energy. I called lightning and hit the ball with Mjolnir, sending it careening into a large group of outsriders. I laughed as the group of outstriders were tossed in every direction by the hit. 

"Direct hit!" Peter laughed. 

"That. was. EPIC!!!" Another voice sounded off. I grinned widely, turning and looking around for the source. Thor was standing on a rock a few feet behind me, with Loki at his side. I walked over to him, forming my mask away from my face. He was beaming as he towered above me. 

"I believe this is yours." I held the hammer out to him. He gave me a polite nod and took it. 

"I knew you were worthy." His eyes lit up with childlike joy. "Now toss one here, lets see how many guys we can take out!" 

"Be careful, you two." Loki warned. We all looked at each other, the burst out laughing. 

"Now, Loki, if I don't see at least thirty Chituari dead at my feet by the end of today, you're in big trouble, mister!" I joked, making a scornful face. He hopped off the rock and put his back to the battlefield. "Have I made myself clear?" I asked, trying not to crack a smile. 

"Anything for you, my love." He said with a smirk. Thor was smiling so much, he looked insane. "What?" Loki asked, shooting a dagger at an oncoming Chituari.

"Finally." Thor said. He shot a wave of lightning, taking out a line of outstriders. Loki rolled his eyes and went to help Steve, who was cornered by two Sakaaran fighters. "Lets try that thing you did, toss me one." Thor said, hunching down and holding his hammer tight. 

I made a mass of energy, giving it as much power as I could. I tossed it up and Thor swung Mjolnir, which was now charged with bright blue lightning. The two collided, and set off a huge blast, knocking both of us back. I thudded down on a pile of rocks, Thor landing next to me on a slab of cement. I sat there, processing what had just happened. I lifted my head up and looked ahead, there was a huge crater in the ground where we were standing, and a significant drop in the number of surrounding enemies. I turned to Thor, and our eyes met. We both burst out laughing.

"That was awesome!" I cried, throwing both hands in the air. 

"We have to do that again!" Thor added. He stood up, revealing a Thor-shaped crater in the thick concrete slab. 

"What the hell was that!?!?!" Tony shouted through the radio system as Thor helped me up. His question only restarted a fit of uncontrollable laughter between us two. 

"Thor and Y/N" Loki responded.

"Thunderhead?!?! Snake Charmer!??!" Tony squeaked, sounding both impressed and scared. 

"Snake Charmer? Really?" Sam's voice deadpanned through the speakers in my helmet. "She doesn't even- oh my god."

Voices meshed together, all realizing the reason for the nickname. Loki and I laughed at the sounds of surprise, and gasps of realization. I saw a large figure headed toward where Thor and I were standing. 

"Oh jeez, its Smurfette again..." I groaned, swiping my hand down my mask. I readied myself for a fight and grinned at Thor. 


A loud clamor of gunshots sounded through the air and the outstrider I had been fighting dropped to the ground. I turned and nearly had a heart attack at the person I saw behind me. A man with long brown hair and a metal arm always standing holding a machine gun. His eyes were  narrowed, trying to figure out if I was who he thought I was. Thousands of memories and images flashed through my head as I stared at him, in shock. Tears formed in my eyes.

"Bucky?" I asked, voice breaking. He dropped his gun and ran to me, wrapping me in a tight embrace.

"Y/N..." he said, squeezing me tighter. It had been so long since I've seen his face. It hurt to think about the last time I saw him. I hadn't heard from him at all, which made sense. I had no idea that he was an Avenger. He let go and looked at me.

"Hey, Bucket..." I said, his face lit up at the mention of his old nickname.

"It really is you." He said, smiling.

"You- you're an Avenger?" I asked, trying to not remember too much of the past.

"Yeah, you are, too?" I nodded.

"Hey, I guess were fighting together again." I smiled, widely. "and this time, were on the right side." He nodded, and stepped to my side as another outstrider approached us. I hurled a ball of energy at the outstrider as Bucky fired a stream of bullets.

"Ol' Anton would be proud." Bucky remarked, watching me.


Sorry the chapter is so short, I'm trying to make it go faster so I can get to the JUICY stuff.  >;)


 {I didn't wanna dedicate a whole chapter to backstory so I just yeeted it here lol}

Borky Bornes (My fav name for Bucky) is an old friend of Y/N's, they grew up together, Bucky met Y/N at the HYDRA base when they were both little.

^Just pretend that makes sense lmao, I would imagine since YN came to HYDRA as a kid, they wouldn't be able to use her for anything (can u imagine a 8 year old just strolling up to some mafia guy and going "Its not personal, just business" and mowing him down with a freaking AR 15 lmaoooo) So they put her in the care of Anton (Beyond Two Souls type beat) And they also tossed Bucky in there for training purposes, but he was like a big brother to Y/N (wholesomeness at HYDRA!?!? OOO) 

Me when I'm writing at 3am:

Me when I'm writing at 3am:

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