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We had spent quite some time, recovering and resting. Drax had been telling the group one of his battle stories.

"So, then, I grabbed my knife and went like this." He slashed at a tall boulder. "And then, BOOM! No more Alien Overlord!" He said, sitting back down. He turned to me. "Tell us one of your stories." He said, pointing to me with his knife.

"Oh-I-" I was cut off by the clang of his knife hitting the ground, as he sat, staring at his hand. It was dissolving into dust, and floating away in the wind. I sat up, and looked around. Surely this is just a nightmare. This isnt real. Everyone watched in horror as Drax was reduced to dust. Mantis shrieked and ran over next to me, as Quill held his hands up. His hands were doing the same as Drax's. I stood up, firmly next to Mantis. She huddled against me as Quill's entire body became a pile of dust.

"Wha- th-" I stuttered, trying to process what was going on. Then, it hit me. Half of all life was disappearing. I heard a shrill gasp next to me and looked at Mantis. Her face was terrified as she watched her own hands fade away. I reached for her, but my hands went through her body as she joined Drax and Quill. I saw something shining in the light as it fell to the ground. I bent down, picking up the gold bracelet Mantis had been wearing. I gasped after seeing the bracelet up close. I slowly put the bracelet on my left wrist and tried to not burst into tears.

"It had to be done." Stephen said, solemnly. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. Lokis face was fearful as he looked at my hands. I looked down and was relieved to not be fading away. Stephen was now gone, leaving only five of us. The woman with purple and blue skin, called Nebula, stood up, backing away.

"Mr Stark.." Peter said, stumbling toward Tony. "I-I dont feel so good." My hand flew to my mouth as Peter's hands started turning to dust. Tony caught him, as he fell forward. "Please, I dont wanna go.." he said, shakily. Tears ran down his face as more of him faded away. "Do-dont let me go, please." Tony dropped to his knees, holding Peter as he dissapeared, slowly. "Dont let me go..." Peter pleaded, watching his own body fade away.

"Peter..." I whispered, through my shaking hand. Tears began to stream down my face as I watched Pater slowly disappear. It was agonizing, watching the scene unfold.

"I'm sorry." Peter breathed, before completely fading into dust. I smashed my hand to my mouth, to keep from screaming.

"No, no no" Tony stuttered, frantically looking around. My heart broke for Tony, Peter was like a son to him.

"Oh god, Peter..." I said, voice breaking. I felt my knees give away from under me, and I fell to the ground, Loki sinking down with me. I put my face in my hands and leaned forward. "No.." I whispered, closing my eyes. Loki pulled me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me. I put my arms around him and tried not to cry. Peter is only 15, he has his whole life ahead of him, he doesnt deserve this. We had become close friends in the time I was with the Avengers, he was like a younger brother to me. I felt Loki hold me tighter. The Avengers were the closest thing I had to family, and I just watched half of them turn to dust right in front of me. I slolybrealized what this meant. Half of the amazing people I had met were gone. Holy shit this hurts. It hurt more than any kind of wound. This cant be real. They cant actually be gone.

"Thanos won." Nebula said. "He got what he wanted." I sat up, and looked at her. She walked slowly to Tony, and bent down. She put a hand in his shoulder and he looked up. I was shocked to see his face. He was crying. I blinked away tears and turned to Loki, who took a shaky breath and looked into my eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, then quickly shut it, looking away.

After what seemed like hours, everyone looked around at each other, proceccing what had happened.

Tony stood up, stepped onto his suit and flew away.

Nebula walked away, searching around for scraps of metal, or spare parts to fix the ship.

"I-I'm gonna find stuff for the ship." I said standing. I walked to a nearby pile and Loki went to another, searching for anything useful.

We had been searching all over Titan for parts, and had collected a large amount of parts. Tony had been working on fixing the outside ship, along with Loki. Tony hadn't spoken a word to anyone. Nebula and I were inside the ship, repairing the console that was destroyed when Loki and I fought Cull Obsidian.

"So, what's your story?" Nebula asked, pulling at a thick wire.

"What?" I asked, looking at her.

"Everyone got here one way or another. How did you end up on this team?" She glanced at me, then back to the wires.

"Oh." I patched a broken wire as best I could. "Well, I was trained at a not-so-reputable base my entire life." Memories came flooding back. "I was used as a weapon, against my own will." I rotated a tool in my hand, then set it down. "Then one day, Nick Fury and his team seized the base, and found me." I grabbed a panel of metal, and used one of the welding tools from my suit to attach it to the portion I had fixed.

"How did you get to the base?" She asked, quietly. As much as I hated thinking about my past, Nebula was easy to talk to, and I actually didnt mind telling her.

"My own parents were scared of me. They let them take me away to the base, knowing they would never see me again." She nodded, looking at the slightly fried motherboard that had popped out of place.

"My father, Thanos, used to make me and my sister fight each other. Every day we would fight, and every day she would win." She attached the loose wires to the motherboard. "When I lost, and I always did, he would rip a part from my body and replace it with an artificial piece." She held up her robotic hand, and flexed the fingers. "She wanted to win, I wanted a sister."

"Thats awful, I'm so sorry you had to go through that." I said, sympathetically. Thanos was her father, and it didnt shock me that he was so cruel. She looked up from what she was doing.

"No one has ever said that to me before." She looked back down. "They take one look at the ugly thing I've become and assume I deserve no sympathy."

"You're not ugly." I replied, smiling. "You're really pretty, and a total badass." I saw a faint smile creep across her face. She turned to me, half smiling. Her mouth opened, but before she could speak, she was cut off.

"Y/N." Loki called, walking into the room. "Tony needs your help outside."

Awwwww I know this is supposed to be focused on Loki and Y/N, but the Nebula bonding scene is SO FRACKING WHOLESOME!!!!

Me after writing this chapter:

[I'm in Spain but the S is silent

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[I'm in Spain but the S is silent.]

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