That one word....

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The fighting had been going on for quite some time. I turned around to check on the others, and saw that Tony was talking to Thanos. Well, Thanos was talking, Tony was just throwing sarcastic remarks at him. I suddenly had the best-and quite possibly the worst idea ever.

I snuck around, hiding behind piles of rubble until I was within earshot.

"-and what do you plan to do with this new universe you say will be so damn incredible?" Tony asked the purple titan.

"I will simply watch them prosper, admire my good work." He responded. I nearly laughed at how deranged he sounded, but kept focusing on what I was planning to do.

I weaved my hands around, hoping to get a feel for the energy I needed without having to touch anything. Fortunately, what I needed to grab was very powerful, and had a significant amount of energy. It was practically radiating power, which made sense.

You can do this, even if you only manage to get one, it's still a win.

I focused my energy and painstakingly lifted one of the stones in Thanos' gauntlet out of its position. I was going so slow, I thought that I may never be able to get the stone out. 

"What are you doing, kid?" A voice whispered through my suit's comms.

"Whatever it takes." I replied, lifting the stone up and out of the socket. It was the space stone, the one that was inside the tesseract. Thanos must have sensed a disturbance, because he began to turn around, slowly. My heart was beating so fast, I swear he could hear it.

"Who do you think you are?!?" Tony squeaked, causing the titan to whip back around and glare at him. "Who do you think you are, ending universes and rebuilding them into screwed up utopias?" He said, stepping to one side, inconspicuously peeking to see which stone I had snatched.

I floated the stone in my energy, gloved hand and looked at it, it was incredible. It glowed the most vibrant, gorgeous shade of blue I had ever seen, tiny particles were radiating off of it. It was just the right weight, and seemed to be made for my hand.

This is spooky.

Ha, I wonder if Cap understood that reference. Probably not.

"Who am I?" Thanos mused, cocking his head. "" he began to raise is gloved hand up, preparing to snap.


He snapped his fingers. Nothing happened. I saw Tony's face light up. I couldn't suppress my laughter anymore and let out an undignified snort.

"Hello, Inevitable. I'm Y/N." I said. Thanos turned to me, pure rage in his eyes. "Drop something?" I asked, holding the blue stone up. "You need some superglue? I have some right here." I held up a middle finger, and jumped back with surprise. I shook my head and laughed. "That's not superglue, silly me!" 

"Give me that stone, child. You have no idea what you're dealing with." Thanos growled, stepping so his entire body could face me.

"Actually, I know EXACTLY who I'm dealing with"

I stood taller, seemingly absorbing Tony's cocky personality and taking on a new version of myself. One that can roast a mad titan with ease. Bringing my mask off, I handed Thanos what I had been dying to tell him for a long time:

"I'm dealing with a whiny alien bastard who's 'howme pwanet' went to shit because of overpopulation, and now, said whiny alien bastard has a god complex and feels the need to 'fulfill his destiny' by murdering a bunch of innocent people."

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