Power Stone

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"We've got to get back each infinity stone, then we can finish the glove." Tony said, pointing to the large half complete glove on the table.

"And bring everyone back." I said, looking to him. He nodded and led us to a set of suits on the wall.

"We're going to need to go back in time, these suits will make sure you dont get all sci-fi while you're traveling through time." Tony explained as we each took our suits.

"By regulating your quantum and atomic energy." Bruce added, smiling.

"I'm all for this but, dont we need a plan? Or are we all going in James Bond style and making it up as we go?" I asked, looking at the suit in my hands, then to Tony. He pressed his lips together and made a face.

"Yeah, that's just what I was going to say." I laughed and shook my head as he pulled up a screen.


After a few hours, we had a plan. It was simple, everyone split into pairs, and each pair would retrieve one stone and bring it back.

"Y/N and Loki, you are going to get the power stone." Tony said. "So get suited up, and come back down as quickly as possible." I looked to Loki and smiled, heading to my room.

"Were gonna bring them back!" I said, excitedly as I walked down the hall.

"I sure hope we can."I stopped walking and turned to face Loki.

"We will." I leaned forward and kissed him. "I know we will."

"Whoa." A voice said from down the hall. I whipped around to see Nat, staring at us, with Clint by her side.

"I freaking- YOU WIN, TONY!!!" Clint shouted, turning to the opposite end of the hall.

"TOLD YOU SO!" A faint voice called from afar. Tony's voice sounded through the building's intercom. "Robin Hood was wrong! 60 bucks worth of Shwarma is my prize for being such a smart cookie!" I could see that everyone was excited at the idea of finally bringing everyone back, they were all acting more like themselves. I laughed and turned back to Loki, his face was red.

"Aw come on, its pretty obvious when you're always making goo-goo eyes at me." I joked, grabbing his hand. "Now, let's get ready, it's my first time time traveling. That was redundant." I laughed and walked down the hall and into my room. I picked up my phone and turned it on, looking at the wallpaper. It was a photo everyone had taken during one of the many times Sam stole my phone. Everyone was crammed together, making faces at the camera. I smiled and pulled on my suit. Within a matter of seconds, I was heading back down the hall.

"Leaving without me? I thought we were partners, darling." A smooth voice said.

"Partners? More like Y/N and her sidekick." Loki laughed and we entered the room, eager for the mission to start.

"Okay, you two lovebirds ready?" Tony asked, looking at us.

 I looked to Loki and he nodded. "Ready as we'll ever be!"

"Now, you two are going to Morag to retrieve the power stone." Tony explained, pulling a series of images up on the screen. A old temple like building was on the screen, along with a glowing orb encased in a feild. "This is the power stone, so it will probably be heavily guarded."

"Prepare for a battle." Nebula said, from the corner. 

"Or you could just sneak in. The place is falling apart, it would be easy to get in." Bruce suggested. I like his idea better than Nebula's.

"I think we will be able to handle whatever it throws at us. Loki is amazing in battle and I've done so may stealth missions, I lost count." I didn't mean to say the last part, and made a stunned face when I realized what I did.

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