Hypothermia Cruise

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"Y/n!!" Morgan ran to me, squealing in delight. "Save me!!" Tony followed suit, feet thundering on the deck. She launched herself into my arms and I turned, shielding her from Tony. "Mr. Loki!" she exclaimed, squirming out of my arms and running to the god.

"Hey, not fair!" I frowned and put my hands on my hips. "Morg, I thought you said you loved me two thousand!" I called as she sat on the chair next to the god.

"I do!" she replied, diving into conversation with Loki.

"I guess we're both in the doghouse." Tony said, patting me on the back. We both walked to the group of lounge chairs, where everyone was seated. It was late in the evening and the entire group was crowded around a small firepit.

"Tony, you're kids asking the asgardian god about quantum mechanics." Sam pointed to Morgan, who was holding what looked to be some kind of gadget.

"Hey, I know about that." I slid onto the chair next to Morgan.

"When did you become an expert in quantum mechanics?" Clint asked, shifting his weight in a challenging way.

"Uh, you know when Scott and I dissapeared for a good few hours that one time?" the entire group looked taken aback. I probably should have phrased that differently...

"Hey, when you put it that way it sounds wrong!!!" Scott shouted from the bar.

"Scott and I geeked out about quantum stuff during that time. So, what's the question, Morg?"

Morgan then proceeded to ask about the quantum realm, to which Scott and I both argued about for a good minute. Scott used the fact that he had been there to win the argument. I let him have that one.


"You ever think about having kids, Reindeer Games?" Tony asked, staring at the table in front of him. Loki started choking on his drink, coughing up a storm. Thor clapped his brother on the back a few times.

"Where did that question come from?" Pepper asked Tony, who shrugged. Loki was thumping a fist on his chest, still coughing silently.

"Everyone here either has kids, hates them or doesn't want 'em." he explained, wisely skimming over the other reason one Avenger didn't have kids.

"Yeah, what are god kids like?" Sam leaned back in his lounge chair. "Can they like, sway the fate of the ten realms or whatever?"

"Nine realms." Loki, Thor and I said in unison. Sam rolled his eyes and waved a hand.

"Our children are just like yours, they only live much longer." Thor told the group, ignoring his brothers beet red face. "My brother once expressed that he wished for children in the future, to answer your question." Loki glared daggers at Thor, who only continued talking. "I'm sure he still feels the same way." he smiled innocently

"This just got real awkward." Nat commented dryly. I nodded my agreement.

"What about you, y/n? Ya like kids? Want 'em?" Tony smirked to me.

"I don't think biological kids are for me." I told him vaguely.

"Not into the whole pregnancy thing? I get it, Pep was crazy when-" the billionaire was silenced by a rolled up magazine to the head.

"I can't get pregnant because I don't have a uterus, dude." I said bluntly, hoping to gain a laugh or two.

"Same here! Scooped clean sisters!" Yelena raised her beer bottle to me. (I added Yelena bc I'm in love with her)

"Makes things so much easier, right?" I smiled to her and clinked my glass with hers. Joking about what happened to me at HYDRA was way easier than just talking about it.

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