The Big Day?

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[Loki's POV]

"I'm not so sure about this." I told Thor, fumbling with the tie around my neck. Why in the nines was I so flustered? Well, this may be the most terrifying thing I've done. "What if-"

"Stop with the doubts, brother." Thor clapped his massive hand on my back. "Yn loves you, and you love her. That's all that matters."

I nodded sharply. "Right." I couldnt stop nodding. "All that matters."

"Horns-" Stark put a hand on the top of my head, stopping it from bobbing up and down. "No bobbleheads on the wedding day." he smiled brightly. "You're gonna do great! Just go out there and do what the dude in white says, then boom! Smack a peck on yn and you're done!" he made it sound easy, which it was not. I was making yn my wife. I was giving her a life as long as mine, and making her royalty. There was nothing simple or easy about this. We had spoken on many occasions of what this truly meant. She told me she was more than alright with it, but I couldn't help but doubt her word.

"Alright, see ya out there, Loki." Tony grinned, before slipping out the door.

"Oh, nines." I breathed out.

"Come on, brother. Its time to turn you into a married man!" Thor boomed, practically shoving me out the door and down the hall.

[Yn's pov]

"Jeez, Wan." I snorted, looking at Wanda's red face.

"Its not my fault this liquid stuff exploded!" she shot back, clearly not liking my attempt at comedy. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, and I gave her a warm hug. She had spent a lot of time on her makeup, and really wanted everything to be perfect. She's the best wedding planner, but she was a bit of a perfectionist. I guess the stress of the wedding was getting to her.

"Sorry." I muttered sheepishly. "You could just cover it with concealer, maybe-"

"Help is here!" Clint burst into the room, makeup case in his hands. He looked at Natasha and smirked. "Sheesh, Nat, you really did a number. Don't know if I can fix that." he joked. Nat shot him a glare, making the archer shrink in fear. "Alright. Lets see." he looked over Wanda's face. "Oh, this isnt bad. Easy fix." he assured her, opening the container of makeup. He held up a bottle of foundation. "Two shades too light, it'll help tone down the blush, and since they're both liquid, it won't get cakey."

"You are a lifesaver, Clint. Thank you." Pepper said, helping zip me into my dress. "Oh, wow, honey." she breathed, sounding elated. A smile broke out onto my face hearing her words. "Stunning." she stated, grabbing my hand and taking me to the full length mirrior.

(if you hate it, you can change it, I imagine this but white, a lil less poofy (if you like the poof keep it lol) and no neck collar thingy)

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(if you hate it, you can change it, I imagine this but white, a lil less poofy (if you like the poof keep it lol) and no neck collar thingy)

Wow. I did look stunning. (authors note: obviously) The dress fit me perfectly. Thanks to Nat and the girls, my hair and makeup was perfect. I felt like a princess. Mostly because I was about to become one.

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