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We walked out of the destroyed compound, and I saw an all-to familiar figure sitting on a piece of rubble. 

"Let's kill him for real this time." I said, preparing myself for a fight. 

"Copy that" Tony replied, forming his suit around his body and flying towards Thanos. 

I raised Miolnjir and summoned lightning. I saw Loki smile out the corner of my eye. 

"Ready to kick some purple ass?" I asked him. He glanced to the army behind Thanos, then to me. His face was worried.

"Not particularly." He replied, smiling faintly. I walked to him and leaned forward.

"Were going to win." I planted a soft kiss on his lips and smiled. I pulled away and turned to the battlefield. "Now, I'm gonna give Thanos an electrifying greeting." I ran to where Thanos was fighting Tony. 

I summoned lightning and directed it to Thanos. He raised his hand and spun his sword above him, blocking the lightning. "Eh, worth a try." I remarked, swinging Miolnjir around in a circle. I let go and threw it at Thanos' head. It made contact with his forehead and knocked him on his back. 

"Nice shot!" Tony shouted, flying over and shooting at Thanos. Tony was catapulted back into a pile of rubble. 

"Hey Thanos!" Loki was standing on top of a large boulder. "Remember me?" He asked, materializing two daggers. He had on a gold horned helmet and thick armor. I then remembered my outfit was one of Nat's old suits underneath my normal suit and smiled. It's like you're fighting with me. I thought, turning to Thanos. Loki appeared in front of him and the two began fighting. I summoned Miolnjir to my hands and paused. I formed a ball of energy in my hands and glanced from it, to the hammer in my other hand. 

"Stan, what would happen if I combined these two?" I asked the suit's AI. 

"Most likely an explosion of catastrophic proportions." It responded simply. I smiled. 

"Perfect." I said, ducking behind a pile of debris. 

I snuck around and stood behind Thanos, atop a pile of rocks. I tossed the ball up, and swing Miolnijr like a baseball bat, hitting the ball with lightning as it made contact. The ball flew through the air, sparking with lightning. It hit the ground behind Thanos, and, as Stan predicted, caused a big-ass explosion. Thanos was launched forward, into a pile of rubble. 

"Suck on that, you purple bastard!" I shouted, throwing my hands in the air in triumph. "Loki, go help Tony, I'll handle Barney." I said into my suits comms. I shot another ball of energy into Thanos' head, smacking him against the rubble. I snickered at his disadvantage. He turned to me slowly and glared, pulling off his broken helmet. "Ruh-roh. Time for me to go." I said, hopping behind the pile. I heard heavy footsteps in front of me and popped my head out. "SIKE!" I launched an energy blast at Thanos, jumping out from behind the pile. 

"Fight me like a warrior." He said, raising his sword and challenging me to a fight. I shrugged. 

"Alright. I agreed. "Lets tango, tubby." I formed a sword exactly like his. 

"I suppose I should tell you." He said, swinging at my head. "My original plan was flawed." I cocked my head, rising to my feet quickly. 

"The mighty Thanos, admitting failure?" I teased, swinging my sword. It hit his armor with a loud crash. 

"Those that survived dwelled on the past too much.." He continued, seemingly ignoring my comment. I swiftly blocked a hit and jumped backwards, on top of a boulder. 

"Yeah, that usually happens when you kill a bunch of people for no reason." He swung at my legs and I launched myself forward, landing behind him. I sliced the back of his arm. He reeled around, eyes shooting daggers.

"There was a reason. I gave the universe an opportunity for prosperity, and it spit it back out, trying to go back and reverse my good work." He turned his sword to the flat side and swung it like a bat. I tried my best to dodge it, but couldn't. It hit my side and I sailed through the air, slamming into the ground a few feet away. 

"Y/N!" Loki shouted, standing up from Tony's side. 

"You will stay there if you know what's good for you." Thanos sneered, stepping over me. He bent down, a sickening grin on his face. "I had plans to keep the survivors, but now I'm forced to start anew." He said, putting a huge foot on my chest. "This universe will be rebuilt in my image." He stuck his sword in the ground, dangerously close to my head. "And no one will know of what existed before..." 

"In your dreams, egghead." I spat, struggling against his heavy foot. "Even if you win, they'll know." I added, glaring.

"No...they won't" He shook his head and tutted. "Because you won't be there to tell them."  He raised his sword, slowly. Suddenly, a voice cut through my comms. 

"Hey, Y/N..." The voice said, I saw a faint glow, but couldn't move to see what it was. Thanos paused, and looked to his side. "On your left." My face lit up when I recognized the voice and the familiar phrase. 

Seeing that he was distracted, I rolled away from Thanos, jumping to my feet. Dozens of glowing rings had formed on the battlefield. Three figures emerged from the largest, followed by a massive army. 

"YEAH!" I cried, pumping my fists in the air. 

Thanos stepped back, walking to the head of his army. I joined Loki, Tony and Steve at the head of ours. The three figures stood tall, one of them shouted a war cry, and the army behind him repeated, chanting in unison. I turned back to see Brunnhilde, riding a white, winged horse and smiled, giving her a nod. She raised her spear, smiling back. A figure in a blue iron my suit landed in front of Tony, flipping its mask up to reveal Pepper inside. Scott, who was now giant, and towering above us, reached his hand out and Bruce hopped off, followed by Rhodey and Rocket.

"Call it, Cap." Tony said. Steve looked out to Thanos' army. 





I wanna say that I'm going on vacation for spring break, and IDK how great the wifi is at the place we are going so, if I don't update, I'm sorry!

Yall, waiting for me to update this week:

Yall, waiting for me to update this week:

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Me, realizing I don't have to end the book when Endgame is over:

Me, realizing I don't have to end the book when Endgame is over:

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