Return to Earth

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We walked back into the main room, earning stares from everyone.

"Yall get lost?" Fury asked. Brunnhilde raised her eyebrows.

"No." I walked up the stairs. "It wasn't a normal stab wound, was it, Tony?" I glared at Tony. His face perked up.

"Maybe it was, maybe it wasnt." He mused, folding his hands together. It took a lot not to send a ball of energy, right into his face. What he did was entirely wrong in every way.

"Tony, would you care to explain what Y/N is talking about?" Fury said, turning to him.

"Theres a special little concoction that was released from that blade, when it poked horns." He said, walking to the screen and opening the file with the information on the liquid he used. Fury walked to the screen and scanned over it.

"What kind of chemical cocktail did you make, Tony?" He asked, scrolling through the list if ingredients.

"Oh, you know, the kind that can take down a god." Tony replied, simply. Okay, my turn to get pissed.

"what does Warfarin have to do with taking down anyone?" I turned to face Tony, glaring. "It doesn't have anything to do with it, does it?" He arched his brow and cocked his head. "No, no it doesn't. It was to make sure that whoever was injured with that, would bleed out  if they weren't treated immediately." I growled. Tony smiled. This fucker.

"You're smart." He stood up and tapped the screen. The image of Bismuth with his notes around it popped up. "But, that wasnt my only goal. Thor here informed me of a certain...weakness our dear Loki has." He pointed to the image on the screen. "And, with thinner blood, things travel through it faster." He sounded like a villain, revealing his plan before he kills the hero.

"You're a psycho." I said, horrified of how dirty and low it was. Fury shook his head, disappointedly. The others all looked at him, stunned. This was not how I expected the Avengers to be like.

"I'd say genius." Tony said, sitting back down, satisfied. My eyes widened, angry that he thought highly of himself, after stooping so low. The others looked at him, equally upset. He looked around at them. "What? You cant be mad at me for taking some simple safety precautions."

"Those are not  precautions." I said to him. "You took it way too far. That was low, Tony." He looked at me, angry.

"You were NOT there to witness when that monster  tried to take over New York!" He pointed to Loki, who looked both angry and hurt.

"Watch it, Stark." He warned.

"No. I will not stand for any more of this. Why are you defending him? He is a traitor that needs to be locked away!" I stepped in front of Loki, defensively.

"I'm not going to argue with you anymore! He is a person, just like you!"

"Oh, and that's supposed to fix all the damage he has caused?"

"No, it's supposed to make you get it through your thick skull that everyone makes mistakes!" I saw Tony's eyes catch fire. For a moment, I was worried that I took it too far. "If he wanted to, Im sure he would have taken over New York. What is stopping him from jumping off this ship and taking over while were still sitting here, arguing?" Tony stood up, nearly knocking his chair over. Okay, I must've hit a nerve. Time for a subject change, before I get myself killed. "And he gave up the tesseract to save everyone lives, you're going to shut him away for that?" Not the best subject change, but he cant lock Loki away for that.

"He gave the tesseract, that contains an infinity stone  to Thanos. You dont know how powerful that thing is." Tony glared at Loki. "And he just handed  it over."

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