The Prince

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The resounding chant of "Long live the Prince! Long live the Prince! Long live the Prince!" reverberated through the vast expanse of the dungeon, enveloping the air with fervent energy. Each voice joined in unison, hailing the newly crowned ruler.

Azazel, his eyes brimming with pride and satisfaction, closed them momentarily, savouring the momentous occasion. As he did, a magnificent, bejewelled crown materialized upon the prince's head, its radiant gems catching the dim light of the dungeon. With a regal poise and a gleaming smile adorning his face, the prince gently adjusted the crown, a symbol of his newfound authority and the weight of his princely responsibilities.


"Hey, bro," greeted Ray as Tej, dressed in formal attire, entered the hospital room. His eyes were swollen, a clear indication of his emotional state.

Advika observed him closely, noting the signs of distress etched on his face. Without a word, Tej settled himself beside their mother, gently clasping her hand in his own.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Advika initiated a conversation. "How are things going at work?" she inquired, hoping to provide a temporary distraction for Tej. He nodded faintly, his voice barely audible as he shared, "Lost some potential clients."

Understanding the weight of his disappointment, Advika reassured him, "No one succeeds at everything on their first attempt, Tej. Don't be too hard on yourself."

Desiring a different perspective, Tej turned his gaze towards her, his eyes seeking answers. "How did you manage to run your business, Advika?" he asked, genuine curiosity evident in his voice.

A soft smile graced Advika's lips as she offered a reassuring response. "Tej," she began, "my business is small-scale, not like the vast enterprise you oversee. There's a significant difference in scale and complexity."

"But still," he insisted.

"I have failed n number of times, Tej," she replied. "I was going to give up, but then, that's what I wanted. I wanted to own a business. It's different in your case."

"And if you think I'm making profits, then no, you're wrong," she added. "You don't always get clients. Failure is inevitable, Tej. But getting up and facing challenges is a must."

"I wish I had half the determination you had," he said.

"You have a lot of determination, Tej. It's just not for the business," she clarified.

"Tej," said Zarna as she entered the room. "It's dad," she said handing him her phone.


"Rishi!" called Rutuja as she scanned his bedroom, living area, and the entire house.

"What happened Ru?" asked Daksh.

"Rishi," she said as she tied her hair into a bun. "He's not there in the house."

"Relax," said Daksh. "He's not a kid."

"He's injured, Daksh. He can't walk properly," she said and touched her head closing her eyes.

"Okay, okay," said Daksh and fetched some water for her.

"We'll find him before Dad and Dai Ma returns," he assured.

"Find whom?" said a voice.

"There he is," said Daksh as Rishi rubbed his eyes and ran his fingers through his messy hair.

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