Decoding Secrets

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Zarna settled on the floor, joining Advika in the task of emptying her bag, while Maya secured the bedroom door and joined them.

"There are so many books," Zarna remarked, selecting one from the pile. It had a deep blue cover, thick and adorned with threads and pearls.

"I knew you would be drawn to that one," Advika commented, gently dusting off the treasure box. "It reminds me of the vastness of the ocean."

"By the way," Maya interjected, her gaze sweeping over the assortment of books and artifacts scattered on the floor. "How is Aunt doing now?"

"She's on the path to recovery," Zarna replied, carefully untying the threads securing the book. "Queen Bhilangana," she read aloud, glancing at the first page. Intrigued, Advika leaned in for a closer look.

"See this," she said, lifting a thick black book. "Even this has her name."

"King Agneya," said Maya as she picked a book with an orange and yellow cover. 

"Queen Amber," she said, opening another book; it had a sky blue colour cover.

"King Bhaumik," said Advika lifting a book with a brown mud colour. 

"King Samir," read Zarna from another book covered in a transparent sheet-like thing. "And finally," said Maya picking up the last unread book. "Queen Agrata." It had several colors on its cover, which made it look vibrant out of all.

"Let's read them all and find out what secrets they hold," said Advika. Her eyes gleaming with excitement. She smiled and opened the book she had previously read.

"So, you got that spell from this book?" asked Maya and examined the treasure book. 

"Yes," replied Advika. "Don't tell me you haven't read it already," she said. "Yes, we know the thing with you and books," added Zarna.

"Yes, well, only half of it," confessed Advika and dug her head in the book.

"What did it say?" asked Maya and kept the treasure box on the floor. "Queen Bhilangana," began Advika, "had this power of the element water," she looked at Zarna, "just like you."

"And?" asked Zarna. "How did she get it? Was she born with it? Are these books legit and non-fictional? Or just any other storybooks?"

"Well, firstly," said Advika. "She was not born with it. It is said that she earned these powers through practice. Well, yes, she was born with some powers of course, but then she developed it with some teacher of her."

"So, you're saying these books are true? I mean-"

"Yes," replied Advika. Maya pursed her lips and tilted her head to the right looking doubtful. "The spell, it worked," said Advika.

There was a knock on the door. Maya and Advika exchanged glances. Maya walked towards the door as Advika pushed everything, including the books, treasure box, other artefacts, under the bed at once.

Zarna stared at her blankly. "We can't disclose it, can we?" whispered Advika.

"Thanks," said Maya and smiled at the cook, who left after serving them some snacks and hot cups of coffee and green tea.

Advika pulled out those books at once and opened the book she was reading. "So, what I was saying is that this Queen Bhilangana held the powers of the element water, plus she had other abilities as well."

"Like?" asked Maya and offered a cup to Advika.

"Like that spell, I used," said Advika and sipped the coffee.

Zarna munched what looked like mini samosas. "What are these? They're good."

"It's called Nimki," said Maya and turned to look at Advika. "So Queen Bhilangana could harness the power of other elements as well," she said and sipped her green tea.

"Yes," said Advika and kept the book down. "It's just about her journey from being a newbie to a Queen."

"Just like us," added Zarna and scanned through the pages of the blue book. "Has some spells," she said. "Might try these when I'm around the sea."

Advika and Maya exchanged a glance. "The sea?" said Advika and took a bite of the nimki. "And when exactly do you plan to go to the sea?" asked Maya reaching for the book covered in a transparent sheet.

"Well," said Zarna, turning the pages, "whenever the book wants us to be there."

"I don't know, Zarna," said Advika and sipped the coffee. "It won't transport us unless we all are together."

"Exactly," added Maya, reading the first few pages. "This King Samir, he too went through training and stuff before attaining those powers."

"We have Grantha, but then, she never revealed herself," said Advika.

"Yes, we don't have a teacher as such," said Maya.

"Maybe we should contact Grantha then," said Zarna and got to her feet. She walked towards the balcony and fixated her gaze on the sky.

"Good idea, Zu, but how exactly are we supposed to do that?" quizzed Advika and picked up a small telescope from the junk. She tried to zoom in and out, fiddling with it.

"You can," said Zarna and turned to look at Advika, who had now kept the telescope away, staring blankly at Zarna.

"Please elaborate," said Maya and sat cross-legged on the floor.

Zarna initiated the conversation, her voice soft yet determined. "You were the first one to speak with Grantha," she started. "You possess a unique connection with her, unlike anyone else." Resting her arms on the balcony grill, Zarna inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh air. "Perhaps you should try reaching out to her once more."

Advika shook her head in response, rising from her seat and joining Zarna at the balcony, holding a cup of coffee in her hands. "No, Zarna," she replied, her tone firm. "Grantha appeared to protect us when we were in danger. Her purpose wasn't to engage in communication."

"No, but she has a point," added Maya. "Try to communicate with her, somehow."

Advika shrugged.

"So, I think we should divide these books among us," suggested Zarna. "Yes, we should," agreed Maya and picked up a few of them. "Are you going to see aunt then?"

"Yes, I'll have a word with the doctor as well," said Advika and thought of Tej and Ray. "Are they still mad at us?"

Zarna made a pout and blinked. "Sort of, but I think they'll be fine soon," she answered and kept her hand on Advika's hand. 


To be continued. . . 

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