My Friend Sings

18 1 0

I have never
Heard a guy sing before

When I say that
I do not mean I have
Heard famous male singers

I have heard
Men sing at concerts
And through my phone
But I have never
Heard a dear friend
Who happens to be
A guy
Sing before

I have had friends
Who have sung
In front of me before
Every time
It is beautiful
When my friends sing
In front of me

But I never knew
That a guy singing
Can also be beautiful

It can be pretty
And peaceful
And it left me smiling
For hours
Just listening
To my friend
Quietly doing what he loves:
And knowingly or not
Letting me listen
To him drift
In and out of song

He sang songs I knew
And songs I did not
As one of friends nodded off
In the back seat
As my roommate harmonized
With him from the backseat
And as the clock on my dash
Turned to 1:07am
It was pretty
And peaceful
And beautiful


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