Fake Touches

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I hate fake touches
Forced touches
Between lovers
When they are so
Used to touching
That it would be odd
Not to touch
It would feel wrong to
Not sit close
Hold hands
Lean on one another's shoulders

However at the same time
There is anger
Betrayal of some form
Between the lovers
And so at least one
If not both
Do not want to
Touch or be touched

Yet they do not know
What would be worse
To touch and ignore the pain
Or ignore eachother
Sit far apart
And embrace the pain
So they settle into an awkward lul
Slight touching
A sitting position
That would be comfortable
Comforting even
If there were not tension
But because
Neither lover
Knows the others mind,
They just know there is pain,
The touches are not
Or even warm
Like they normally would be
They are awkward
Fake touches
That leave the giver
And the recipient
Feeling emptier
And more choked
Than before

Fake touches
They are lonely things
Physically the same as
Any other touch
But touch without
The comfort of emotions
Is meaningless
And touch fueled
By negative and lonely
Is empty
And fake


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