Painfully Poetic

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There is something
Painfully poetic
About watching your friend
Walk down the aisle
Towards the love of her life
And gazing on
As they say "I do"
Yet trying and failing
As the ceremony
Plays onward
Not to look across the aisle
At the man you thought
You'd say "I do" with too

We were dating when they met
And now they are married
And we never will be

There is something painfully poetic
About that
And something even more
Painfully poetic
About watching that man
Walk down the asile
With another bridesmaid

It hurts
That I will never get to walk
Down the asile with him.
Not now,
Not as a bridesmaid,
And certainly never as a bride

I paint this story
With painful poetry
Trying all the while
To forget him and to remember
That there will be no
Ceremony for us
Not now
Not ever

I simply get to
Rejoice for my friends.
For while my heart
Is breaking within my breast
Their two hearts
Become one
And for that,
For that,
I am forever thankful
To have been
A painfully poetic part
Of this tragically beautiful tale


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