October 19th

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October 19th

On October 19th
Two years ago
My uncle killed himself
And left his three kids
Behind to fend for themselves

On October 19th
Two years ago
I met my ex's parents
For the first time
It was the first time
I'd ever "met the parents"

On October 19th
This year
One of my two
Best friends
From freshman year
Turned twenty
I'll probably never be able
To be close with him again
But for while
He was like a big brother to me
And I dearly love him

On October 19th
This year
I've officially published 100 poems
And posted 100 photography post

October 19th
Is a big day
For me

On October 19th
My uncle died,
I grew up a little bit,
And I realized I've lost
A friend who I love
And I realized how much I've accomplished

And yet
Today is October 19th
And it feels like any other day.
I took a midterm
I ate lunch with my boyfriend
And our friends
I texted my mom
I work two jobs today
And tonight I'll do homework

On October 19th I remember
A loved one who has died
Relationships which have ended
And a dear friend who I've lost
And yet
Not much feels different about today
I took my midterm and moved on
On October 19th


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