The Town Where Everyone Was Nice

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The family walked through a town in the middle of the jungle. The residents of the town welcomed the travelers with a smile. "The Feast of the Flower! A festival of food, dancing, and music that celebrates the once-a-year bloom of the legendary Drosera Occidendum, a one-of-a-kind flower!" Webby explained. Charlotte smiled as she couldn't help but be just as excited as Webby was. "Never heard of it." Louie said. "Me neither! A cultural tradition I know nothing about. You know how rare that is?" Webby said as she began to squeal in excitement.

Dewey quickly went up to Webby and took a picture of her. Webby rubbed her eyes afterwards due to the flash. "What are you doing?" Webby asked. "Documenting my adventures. The people will want to feel like they were here with me. This place is going to look guh-reat on my profile." Dewey said as he took a selfie. Charlotte rolled her eyes. "It already looks great! Right, Charlotte?" Webby asked. "Y-Yes, Webby." Charlotte said. "But now it's in sepia!" Dewey said as he filtered the picture of Webby. "Hey, Charlotte. Do you wanna join in on the next picture?" Dewey asked. Charlotte shook her head. "N-No thanks." Charlotte answered.

Huey, Donald, and Scrooge walked up to the rest of the group. "Oh, boy! I can't wait to see my pals!" Donald said excitedly. "Sorry, who are these friends of yours?" Louie asked. "And why haven't we ever heard of them? And why did you all stop speaking? And-." Huey began to ramble. "Please, not everything is a dark family secret." Louie said to Huey. "Kids, I've got a dark family secret." Donald said. Huey simply smirked at Louie while Dewey took a picture of his shocked face. "I..." Donald began. "Yeah!" The kids said. "... was one of the Three Caballeros." Donald finished. What? The kids just looked at each other, not know what Donald was talking about.

"Oh! Good for you!"

"Yeah, Three Caba-Waba..."

"I don't know what that is."

Charlotte tilted her head in confusion. "The Three Caballeros. Donald's old college band. They practiced their polyphonic pandemonium in my garage for hours on end. Ah, the next time you complain about bagpipes, just imagine trying to sleep while your uncle saws away at an accordion." Scrooge said. Huey and Louie looked at each other nervously at Scrooge's last sentence. Donald put on a fanny pack around his waist. "I was so awesome." Donald said as he put sunscreen on. "Aw, you're fine as is. A family man. A boat owner. You're more impressive than those two warbling wastrels are." Scrooge said. "H-He's right." Charlotte said, shyly smiling.

Before Donald could respond, a plane flew over them. Everyone looked up in time to see a green parrot jump off the plane. The green parrot, José Carioca, pulled open his parachute and began to play his umbrella as a flute as he slowly descended down to the ground. The strumming of guitar strings made everyone turn to their right. A red rooster held his guitar while wearing a sombrero and a pancho. The rooster took off his pancho to reveal himself as Panchito Pistoles. Panchito jumped in front of the entrance as José landed beside him, making their grand entrance. Everyone's mouth were wide open as Dewey took a picture. "Oh, they are much more impressive than you." Scrooge said to Donald. Donald's smile soon fell at his sentence.

Donald's smile returned as he ran to his friends. "Donald!" They greeted as they began to do their secret handshake. "Squawk, crow, quack, I got your back!" All three said. "Secret handshake!? Cool!" Huey said as he held up his hand for a high five. Louie instead licked Huey's hand, causing Charlotte to stifle a laugh. Huey grimaced in disgust until Panchito shook his hand. "Saludos, amigos! Surely you remember old Panchito and José!" Panchito said. "Os patinhos! Oh, last time we saw you, you were just little eggs!" José said to the triplets. "Hey, remember when you insisted you could juggle the eggs?" José asked Donald. Panchito and José laughed. "And you dropped one!" Panchito said. Huey and Louie looked at each other before looking at Dewey, who had slowly blinked his eyes while staring off. Huey and Louie looked back at each other and nodded.

Look to the StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora