The Fires of the Past

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(This is an original chapter I made. Hopefully it's good.)

It was early in the morning when Della decided to walk around the mansion. She looked at the countless paintings and artifacts on the wall. She smiled as she remembered all the adventures she, Donald, and Scrooge had together. Along with one other person.

She continued to walk around until she came across Charlotte's room. Charlotte had just put on her orange sweater when Della came in. "Good morning, Charlotte!" Della greeted. Charlotte slightly jumped in surprise. "U-Um, g-good morning, M-Ms. Duck." Charlotte greeted. "Please, just call me Della. No need for formalities." Della said. "O-Oh. S-Sorry, Della." Charlotte apologized. "There's no need to be sorry." Della said before spotting a sword in the corner of Charlotte's room.

"Woah! You have a sword!? Did Uncle Scrooge give you this?" Della asked as she picked up the sword. "N-No. S-Sky pirates." Charlotte answered. "Sky pirates? That's so cool! Did you do any epic sword fights!?" Della asked. Charlotte shook her head. "D-Don't know h-how." Charlotte said. Della hummed until she got an idea. "Oh! How about I teach you?" Della suggested. Charlotte slightly perked up. "R-Really?" Charlotte asked. "Of course. Not to brag, but I'm really good with swords. Even faced off a few pirates myself. So, what do you say?" Della said. Well... if I learn from Della, then it'll be easier to help during our adventures. Charlotte turned to Della and nodded her head. "Great! Let's head to the backyard."

Charlotte and Della were soon in the backyard. Charlotte held her sword as Della held a different sword. "Good thing there was an extra sword in the garage." Della said. Charlotte nodded her head. "Alright. We'll start off with your stance. What you'll want to do is to keep your stance wide. Like this." Della said as she placed her right  foot in front of her and her left foot behind her. Charlotte copied her. "That's great! Next is to lower your body just a little bit." Della instructed as she lowered her body. Charlotte did the same thing. "Perfect!" Della complemented. Charlotte shyly smiled.

"With your stance done, we can move on to movement." Della said as she stood in front of Charlotte. She quickly took her stance and raised her sword. "Now, raise your sword." Charlotte slowly raised her sword, their swords now touching. "Good. Now, you're gonna move forward and move back while maintaining your stance." Della said. Charlotte began to look a bit nervous. "Don't worry. We'll go slow at the beginning. Okay?" Della reassured. "O-Okay." Charlotte said. As Della stepped forward, Charlotte took a step back before taking a step forward, making Della step back. This rhythm repeated at a slow pacing until it progressively got faster.

They spent a whole hour learning the basics until it came time to test Charlotte. Della stood ready as Charlotte took her place. Charlotte nervously gripped her sword as she took her stance. "You'll do great!" Della encouraged. Charlotte gave a small thumbs up. Della and Charlotte quickly bowed to each other before taking their stance. After a few seconds, Della quickly ran to Charlotte and swung her sword. Charlotte quickly blocked the oncoming attack and thrusted her sword towards Della. Della blocked the attack effortlessly before jumping up and swinging her sword down. Charlotte quickly jumped out of the way and as Della thrusted her sword as her, Charlotte parried the attack and redirected the sword to the ground.

Della stared in shock before smiling. "Well dang, kid. You're a natural at this." Della said. "R-Really?" Charlotte asked. "Yeah! You should've seen how cool you looked with that parry!" Della said. Charlotte smiled. "You know, I also have a friend that's a natural at sword fighting." Della said. Charlotte perked up in interest. "W-Who?" Charlotte asked. "They have a similar name to yours. Their name is Charlie, and they used to go on adventures with Uncle Scrooge, Donald, and I." Della answered. "H-How come we d-don't hear much about t-them?" Charlotte asked. "They didn't go on many adventures with us. They actually wanted to work for S.H.U.S.H. and focused on studying and all that stuff. I'm not sure if they made it in or not." Della explained. I guess that does explain why they aren't in any paintings or photos. Della then had an idea. "Oh! How about we go visit them? They can teach you all they know about sword fighting! Plus, it be good to visit them." Della suggested. Charlotte smiled. "S-Sure." Charlotte answered. "Alright! Follow me. I know where they live." Della said as Charlotte followed, bringing her sword with her.

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