Moonvasion Part II

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As an eclipse loomed over the family, Della and Donald stared at each other in disbelief. The two slowly stepped forward until they were face to face. The kids smiled, thinking they were gonna witness a heartwarming reunion. However, Della and Donald squawked at each other in anger. "Where have you been!?" The two asked each other. "If you were home when I got back, you'd know I was stuck on the Moon- which, by the way, is invading us!" Della said. "I know! I warned you!" Donald said. "We didn't get a warning!" Della said. Dewey stepped in between them. "Stop yelling at each other!" Dewey said.

Charlotte sighed. This is the last thing we need right now. Dewey slowly glared at Donald before tackling him. Dewey began to pull on Donald's beard. "I could've been named Turbo! You owe me eleven years of Turbo!" Dewey said. Not Dewey too! Della pulled Dewey away from Donald and set him down. "Don't change the subject! Just because I missed you doesn't mean I'm not mad at you!" Della yelled. "I missed you too, ya big dummy!" Donald yelled back. The two stared at each other for a second before they hugged, tears falling from their eyes as they were happy to see each other. However, the moment was ruined as Donald lifted up the Mickey watermelon. "Oh boy, I love a reunion!" Mickey Melon said. Della stepped back in surprise. "Has the melon been a thing the whole time I've been gone or...?" Della asked. "No, that's new." Huey answered. "A-And somewhat disturbing." Charlotte said.

As the Earth was being pushed by the planetary engine, all of Duckburg was frozen over as a result. Many citizens were captured as Launchpad snuck by without getting caught. Inside the seafood restaurant Chums, Scrooge was trying to come up with a new plan as Mrs. Beakley, Duckworth, and Manny surrounded him. "Maybe if I- Oh, no, he'll take us out here- Okay, what if I-?" Scrooge grumbled until the door to the restaurant was slammed opened by Launchpad. "There you are! I thought we were meeting at Thumbs, not Chums, because I wrote the name of the emergency meeting place, Chums, on my thumbs. You can understand the mix-up." Everyone but Scrooge just stared at Launchpad. "Also everyone's been captured by Moon guys." Launchpad added.

Scrooge growled in frustration. "Blasted tartar sauce!" Scrooge said as he slammed his fists on the table. "Uh, is he okay?" Launchpad asked. "He's... strategizing. Everything's fine. Sure, we had an army before and now there's only an elite squad of five." Mrs. Beakley said. Duckworth flew to them with a suitcase in hand. "Four. I've decided you're doomed. My time would be better served preparing your places in the afterlife. Cheerio!" Duckworth said before he phased through the floor. "Not reassuring that he went down instead of up." Mrs. Beakley said. "Well, wherever Della and the kids are, at least they're together." Scrooge said. And safe...

On the island, everyone couldn't help but stare at Mickey Melon weirdly. "Thank goodness you found us! After Penumbra helped Donald escape those evil Moonlanders, why, he crash landed on this island." Mickey Melon said. Donald hugged Mickey Melon. "Where I met my best friend!" Donald said as Mickey Melon gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You met Penny on the Moon? Is she okay? I miss her constantly trying to impale me." Della said. "Y-You actually miss that?" Charlotte asked. "It was a special bond that we had." Della answered. Charlotte shrugged. Whatever floats your boat. "We've been having a real good time. Sharing sandwiches, drinking sea water smoothies to drown our sorrows..." Mickey Melon said. "You've been surviving on sea water and sand this whole time?" Webby asked. "But now I'm saved!" Donald said as everyone hugged him. "You must have been searching for him for months!" Mickey Melon said. "Yes. We totally knew you were missing and not on a cruise." Huey said. "Did we?" Dewey asked.

"Yes. That's why we're here."


"Just like the melon said."

"I told you your family would never forget about you! Which is why you have to go back, my friend." Mickey Melon said. "Lunaris is a monster. We've got to go help Uncle Scrooge." Donald said. "And now that we found you, we can all fight Lunaris together!" Louie said. Everyone started to walk towards the crashed plane when Della stopped them. "No way. The plan is to keep you as far away from danger as possible. Besides, Scrooge knows exactly what he's doing." Della said.

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