Friendship Hates Magic

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It was bright and early at the town library when a bus stopped at the library's steps. Webby and Charlotte stepped off the bus before the bus took off to its next destination. Webby happily inhaled the fresh air. "Ah! The library. I love the smell of thinking' in the morning. Wouldn't you agree, Charlotte?" Webby asked. "I-I do." Charlotte answered as they went up the stairs, Webby's shadow staying still and darkening as blue eyes appeared. The shadow quickly returned to Webby before anyone could notice as Webby pulled out a book. "The Myth of the Shadow Realm. 'Myth.' Ha! Nice try, book. But we will not be deterred in our quest. We can't be. Right, Charlotte?" Webby said. "R-Right." Charlotte answered. Webby and Charlotte entered the library as Webby's shadow stayed behind.

In the Shadow Realm, Lena stepped forward from Webby's shadow to act as a form of ghost in the regular realm. "Library day. Again." Lena said as she entered the library. "Wave hello to Ralph."
"Morning, Ralph! It's us, Webby and Charlotte!" Webby greeted to a statue. Webby then swiped her card on a gate machine to enter the rest of the building. "Swipe your library card, Charlotte realizing you're swiping it backwards and helping you." Charlotte helped Webby correctly swipe the card and were able to enter through the gates. "And head to the supernatural reference section to annoy the librarian on duty." Lena finished.

Webby and Charlotte made their way to the front desk of said section. "Hi! I'm Webby, this is Charlotte, and we need your help with some books." Webby said as she put her backpack on the front desk. Her backpack knocked down stacks of books to reveal Mrs. Quackfaster, Scrooge's own librarian at the bin to protect his archives. "Mrs. Quackfaster? What are you doing here?" Webby asked. "Working a second job to pay for a retirement condo in Birdbados!" Mrs. Quackfaster answered dramatically. So this is Mrs. Quackfaster. Lena quickly joined in next to Webby and Charlotte.

"Well, we're just doing some casual research on shadow magic. Not trying to bring my best friend back from its depths or anything."
"Well, we're just doing some casual research on shadow magic. Not trying to bring my best friend back from its depths or anything."

"You two are a bizarre bunch." Mrs. Quackfaster said. "Anyway, we're looking for Spirits of the Shadow Realm." Webby said as Charlotte handed Mrs. Quackfaster their research papers. "Give it up, Pink, Orange. You've messed with enough magic for one lifetime. I'll be fine. In the Shadow Realm. Forever." Lena said as she slowly lost her smile. "I cannot lend you this book." Mrs. Quackfaster said. "Because it holds dark and forbidden secrets?" Webby asked. "No, because another odd little girl already checked it out." Mrs. Quackfaster answered as she pointed to a violet bird with black hair wearing a green sweater. Huh. What are the odds?

Webby and Charlotte approached the unknown girl. "Hi! I'm Web-." The girl held her hand up to Webby, stopping Webby mid-sentence. The girl finished reading her sentence before looking up at Webby and Charlotte. "Yes?" She asked. "I see you have Spirits of the Shadow Realm. The book's written in ancient Syriac, so it may be a bit advanced." Webby said as she tried to take the book. The girl stopped her before speaking in Syriac, "So am I." Webby's eyes lit up as Charlotte tilted her head. "You speak ancient Syriac? Me too! Along with conversational Akkadian." Webby said in Syriac. "Conversational? Is there any other kind? I prefer the tongue of Old Norse." The girl said. "Who wouldn't want to talk like a Viking?" Webby asked. "Nerds." Mrs. Quackfaster said as she passed by them. Don't be rude.

The girl stood from her seat and shook Webby's hand. "Violet Sabrewing." Violet introduced herself. "Webby, and this is Charlotte." Webby introduced, Charlotte shyly waving at Violet. "Webbigail Vanderquack and Charlotte? Of McDuck Manor? Trusted companions in many of Scrooge McDuck's adventures?" Violet asked almost excitedly. She knows us? Do other people know about us? "Oh, gee. Uh, yeah, no. I mean, I... I'm more of a faithful ward, and Charlotte is... uh..." Webby stammered. "A-A faithful w-ward as w-well." Charlotte quietly answered.

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