Storkules in Duckburg

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Charlotte was aimlessly walking around the mansion, unsure of what to do for the day. Everyone was taking a break from adventuring, especially with Donald preparing his houseboat for a roommate due to a housing shortage or something like that. Charlotte sighed as she stared at the painting and artifacts on the walls as she walked by.

As she passed Scrooge's study, Louie had exited with a look of anger and disappointment. Charlotte could faintly hear Scrooge laughing in his study. "W-What happened?" Charlotte asked Louie. He shook his head as an idea began to form in his head. "Doesn't matter. Help me set something up in my room and I'll explain." Louie said. Charlotte nodded questionably as she followed Louie to the triplets' room.

After setting up a makeshift office, Huey and Webby arrived and sat in front of Louie as well as Charlotte. "A successful business must find a problem and solve it. And that, my employees, is what we are here to figure out." Louie said. So that's what this is about. "We're not your employees, we're your family." Huey said. "At Louie Inc., family is the greatest employees of all. I mean, except Dewey. Dewey would make a terrible employee." Louie said. Dewey day up from his bed to argue, but thought about it before laying back down. "This is clearly a bad idea." Huey said as he began to walk away. "Well, then, I guess Webby will have to be Chief Chart Officer." Louie said as Webby gasped and squealed. "Yeah. Gonna need a lot of charts. And checklists. Plus maybe checklists for those charts. Webby'll be great." Louie said as Webby continued to squeal in excitement. "Gah! Okay, fine. I'm in!" Huey said. Webby grumbled as she crossed her arms in disappointment. Charlotte lightly patted her back to maker her feel better.

"Okay team, let's brainstorm. What do people need?" Louie asked as he approached a chalk board. "Infinite cookies! Crocheted hand grenade holders! Oh! Free hugs!" Webby guessed. "Happiness?" Charlotte quietly guessed. "Why don't you just sell lemonade?" Huey suggested. "Ugh. Lemonade is small potatoes." Louie said. "Oh! Potato-ade!" Webby suggested. Louie groaned. This is gonna take a while.

It wasn't even a full minute that Louie decided to have a corporate retreat to Funzos. Louie, Huey, Webby, and Charlotte sat at a table with Louie Inc. crowns on. Charlotte was nervously looking around. They like to hang out here? There's so many people around. "But, Louie, how can we have a corporate retreat if we don't even know what the business is yet?" Webby asked. "That's why we're here. To kick loose. You know, let the creativity flow. We'll come up with a business idea in no time." Louie said. "I-I'm not so s-sure..." Charlotte said. "Hmm. We've already spent our entire annual budget on skee-ball, so... company done?" Huey asked. "Everyone relax, okay? Our company just needs to find a problem to solve." Louie said.

It wasn't even a second later that Storkules jumped through a window with a Harpy. Huey, Webby, and Charlotte gasped at the sight as people began to scream. Louie looked back to see more Harpies fly through the broken window. Louie faced back forward. "Just any problem at all." Louie said. Huey, Webby, and Charlotte nodded at each other as they ran to the action, tossing aside their Louie Inc. crowns.

Storkules was busy fighting a Harpy as everyone ran around, screaming in terror. One Harpy managed to claw out Funzo's costume eyes. "My eyes! My delicate costume eyes!" Funzo yelled. Huey grabbed a hammer from a whack-a-mole game and attempted the hit a Harpy. "Sit! Heel! Shoo!" Huey shouted. The Harpy flew away as Huey hit a mole, earning him tons of tickets. Charlotte grabbed three plates(?) and threw them to wall, creating makeshift stairs. Webby used them to climb up and grabbed a doll a Harpy had stolen. Webby returned the doll to a kid until the head ripped off, causing the kid to cry. Storkules continued to fight a Harpy until he immobilized it with a hoop from a basketball game. "Harpies, be gone!" Storkules declared. The rest of the Harpies screeched as they flew away.

Funzo approached Storkules. "Thank you, kind sir! You saved us! How can I repay you?" Funzo asked. "A hero labors not for personal gain, only-." Before Storkules could finish, Louie handed Funzo a piece of paper. "Five hundred dollars plus tax. We also accept Funzo Bucks." Louie said before turning to Storkules. "You're hired!" Louie said, shaking his hand. Storkules gasped. "You mean, a job?" Storkules asked excitedly. "Welcome to Harp-B-Gone, a division of Louie Inc." Louie said. "Hurrah!" Storkules celebrated.

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