Moonvasion Part I

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Bagpipes played from a gramophone as Scrooge poured some tea. He sat down at his desk in his study and stared out the window, enjoying the view of Duckburg. He turned around just as a gold Spear of Selene rocket ship lowered down to Duckburg. Della opened the door to his study and peeked inside. Scrooge took a sip of his tea before he spotted Della. "Ah, Della, what can I do for you on this beautiful morning?" Scrooge asked. Della stepped forward nervously. "Uncle Scrooge, remember how great you felt when I came back from the Moon after all those years? All the unconditional love?" Della asked. "More than you'll ever know, lass. I'll remember that feeling always." Scrooge said as another rocket ship lowered down to Duckburg. "Great. I need you to really hold on to that feeling." Della said as she pointed behind Scrooge. Scrooge turned around and was shocked to see the rocket ships. "Curse me kilts! Is that the Spear of Selene!?" Scrooge asked as he dropped his cup of tea. "You promised you wouldn't be mad." Della said.

Everyone was in the living room as Scrooge hastily turned on the news. "The rockets touched down just minutes ago. It's still not clear what they want, but authorities urge everyone to remain calm." Roxanne reported. The captions at the bottom of the screen read, "Everyone panic!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Roxanne scoffed as she read the caption. "Come on, Carl." Roxanne said. A crowd was gathering around a rocket ship behind Roxanne, everyone taking out their phones to record. "All of Duckburg watches as authorities send in their top man." Roxanne reported as Gizmoduck arrived at the scene.

Gizmoduck started to move towards the rocket ship. "Okay, Fenton, it's just first contact with life from beyond the stars. Momentous. Cosmically historic. Totally manageable." Gizmoduck said to himself before knocking on the rocket ship. Gizmoduck backed away as a ramp lowered down to the ground, some smoke coming out. The smoke cleared away to show Palus exiting the ship, gasping at flashing lights from people taking pictures. "Uh, hi! We're Earth. And you are?" Gizmoduck greeted as he gave Palus a pie. Palus grabbed a piece of pie and ate it, smiling at the delicious taste.

Della sighed in relief. "Maybe I misheard Penny's invasion warning. Lot of static in space." Della said. I'm not so sure. Palus gasped as she remember something and reached into her pocket. The local detective, María Cabrera, eyed Palus suspiciously. When she saw Palus pulling out a blaster, she immediately acted. "Gizmoduck! Watch out!" María shouted as she pushed Gizmoduck down to the ground just as Palus fired at him. Many more Moonlanders appeared, every last one of them armed. "We are the mighty! We are the Moon!" Palus declared as the Moonlanders started firing at everyone. The citizens of Duckburg screamed as they ran for their lives. The camera man dropped the camera as a Moonlander shot the camera, ending the news. The family gasped. "Aw, phooey." Della said.

All of Duckburg was being overrun by Moonlanders. Many citizens fled for safety, while others either tried to fight back or where captured. Many buildings were being destroyed as the Moonlanders took over in no time. A group of Moonlanders we're about to invade the Money Bin when Mrs. Beakley quickly drove past them in the jeep while honking. "Faster, Beakley! The Bin is the most secure place in town!" Scrooge said. "Dewey, this is it. Saving Earth is my Dew-stiny. Come face the chosen one!" Dewey said as he opened the window. "Nerp." Webby said as she pulled Dewey back and Charlotte closed the window. "Why are they doing this!? They liked me so much!" Della questioned. "Enough! I have a plan." Scrooge gravely said. As soon as the family entered the building, the Bin went on total lockdown.

Scrooge burst into the meeting room, where Gyro was there waiting. "Gyro! It's time. Unleash... the Unstoppa-Bomb." Scrooge ordered. "The Moonlanders, um, already found that and stopped it." Gyro said. Scrooge was perplexed by the news as the rest of the family entered the room. "What? Uh, alright, then... Activate the Doomsday Ray." Scrooge ordered. "That was like, the first thing they took out." Gyro said. "Okay... I swore I'd never have to initiate our worst weapon-."
"And you never will, because they destroyed that too. This was a very well-planned invasion." Gyro admitted. Charlotte fidgeted nervously. This feels so much different from the Shadow War.

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