Whatever Happened to Donald Duck

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(This will have nothing to do with Donald's side of the story.)

Scrooge was quietly sitting in his study as he was building a small money bin inside a bottle. Charlotte sat next to Scrooge, watching as Scrooge was carefully placing sets inside. As he was about to place a tree, Dewey slammed open the door. "I've uncovered a conspiracy!" Dewey shouted. The force of the slam shook the bottle, causing Charlotte to quickly catch it before it could be ruined. Scrooge smiled at Charlotte gratefully as Dewey ran to Scrooge. "Photographic evidence proved that there is a fourth triplet. A 'quatriplet,' if you will. We must find Phooey Duck! By the way, I named him Phooey!" Dewey said as he presented the picture. Scrooge grabbed the picture and examined it. "Uh, that fourth egg is a mustard stain." Scrooge said. Besides, wouldn't Ms. Duck know if she had a fourth child? "But who was eating a sandwich while looking at a photo album!?" Dewey gaped dramatically. "Phooey strikes again!"

Webby soon entered the room. "Who's ready for the greatest family secret of all time!?" Webby shouted. Webby ran to Scrooge and Charlotte and showed them a family tree. "I was going through the family tree when I realized the branches correspond to geographical points on a map. This could lead to the Silver Sporran of Clan McDuck!" Webby exclaimed. Charlotte slightly perked up at Webby's analysis. "Found it years ago, thank you." Scrooge said as he nodded to the Silver Sporran of Clan McDuck in the corner of his office. "S-So that's what that w-was." Charlotte commented.

Webby looked down in sadness. "Hold on. I can pull a mystery out of this. Mustard stain. Mustard is in the fridge. Family tree. What grows on trees? Peppers, I assume." Dewey said. Scrooge and Charlotte shook their heads at the statement. "But Beakley hasn't bought peppers in years!" Dewey finished. Webby gasped. "Ghost peppers!" Webby shouted. "It's all connected!" Dewey exclaimed. "Let's go!" Webby said as they ran to the door.

"Hang on." Scrooge said, causing Dewey and Webby to stop and turn to him. "An adventure has to call to you. You cannae just go around making up mysteries." Scrooge said. Charlotte nodded in agreement. "We spent so much time on the mystery of the Spear of Selene. Now that Della's back, we're hungry for a new, epically complex, multi-part family mystery to solve!" Webby declared. "Huh. My postcard to Uncle Donald was returned. That's weird." Huey said as he passed the door. Dewey and Webby gasped. "You hear that, Webby?" Dewey asked with a smirk. "It's the call to adventure!" Webby answered. Both ran out the room and slammed the door shut behind them, causing the mini bin to fall apart inside the bottle. Scrooge groaned.

A few minutes later, Charlotte walked through the mansion aimlessly when she spotted Dewey and Webby at the entrance. She noticed that Dewey was wearing a fedora while Webby was wearing a deerstalker hat. "To find out where the returned postcard has been, we must get inside the head of the postcard." Dewey said as he rubbed the returned postcard on his face. "You mean like the head of the guy in the stamp?" Webby asked. "Ha! My dear Webbigail, don't be naive." Dewey said as he grabbed a big empty box with postage stamps and addresses. "We're gonna ship ourselves to the address the postcard was sent to, find out what went wrong there, find Uncle Donald, and solve the most epic mystery since the Spear of Selene!" Dewey exclaimed as he jumped in the box.

As Webby climbed in, Charlotte approached the two. "I-It's not gonna w-work." Charlotte said. "I know you're worried about Uncle Donald, but you can put your faith in us." Dewey said. "I-I'm not worried." Charlotte said as they closed the flaps. Charlotte was gonna say more when the mail lady was walking towards them. Webby gasped and quickly shushed them. "She's right there." Webby whispered. "She doesn't suspect a thing." Dewey whispered. Dewey and Webby giggled as the mail lady walked up to the box and lifted it up, leaving Dewey and Webby sitting on the floor. "T-Told you." Charlotte said. Webby looked around and noticed the box wasn't around them anymore. "Did you forget to tape the bottom of the box?" Webby asked Dewey. Dewey stopped giggling. "Yet another mystery we must solve. But first..." Dewey said.

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