Nothing Can Stop Della Duck

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Della stared up at the giant gates leading to the mansion. She couldn't believe she was finally here. Della took a deep breath in and exhaled. She attempted to jump over the gate, but slammed herself against the gate instead. "Dumb earth gravity." Della muttered as she slid down to the ground. However, that didn't stop her as she began to climb up the gate. "Won't... keep... me... from..."

Della made it to the front door, her hand hovering near the front door. "... the kids." Della finished. Her hand began to shake until she turned away from the door. "Okay, first impression is the only impression. You gotta nail this." Della said, then turned to face the door in a pose. "Greetings children!" Della said before groaning in frustration. "Hello!" Della said before sighing. She then hid behind a bush before revealing herself. "Oh, hey, didn't see you there." Dell said before she groaned again. She slowly walked up to the door. "Simple, sincere. It's just the most important moment of your life." Della said.

Inside the mansion, Scrooge was making his way to the door, followed by the triplets and Webby. "It's a shame that Charlotte can't join us on this adventure." Webby said. "I know, but if she stays here and continues to rest, she'll be able to join us in the next adventure." Huey said. Scrooge stopped in front of the door and pulled out a glass quill. "Behold! The Cartographer's Quill! A mystical artifact that sketches maps leading to the world's greatest treasure!" Scrooge explained. Scrooge presented the quill to a map and immediately the quill sketched out a path to treasure. Everyone exclaimed in awe and excitement.

"Imagine: All the money..." Scrooge began. Louie giggled as he rubbed his hands together greedily. "Daring adventure..." Scrooge continued."Yeah!" Dewey shouted while jumping with excitement. "Infinite wisdom..." Huey smiled as he readjusted his backpack. "And untold mystery in the world, literally at your fingertips." Scrooge finished. "Ooh! You had me at quill!" Webby said. "This could be the most important moment of our adventuring lives!" Scrooge said before opening the door, revealing Della on the other side. "Sup, party people! I'm back in the hizou... Oh, no... Knew it was wrong as soon as I said it. Sorry, that was terrible. Can I get a do-over?" Della asked. No one answered as Scrooge's eyes glistened at the sight of Della. "Hi, Uncle Scrooge." Della greeted. Scrooge took a step back as he dropped the quill, shattering on the floor.

Scrooge's eyes still glistened as he continued to stare at Della. "Uh..." Della began to say, but didn't get to finish before Scrooge engulfed her into a hug. Scrooge spun her around, laughing in pure happiness as Della hugged back. Both smiled before Scrooge pulled back. "It's you! It's really you! Oh, I cannae believe it! Oh, look at ya! Oh! Standing here." Scrooge said before laughing. "I thought you were-." Della interrupted him. "Dead? Not yet!" Della answered. "Where-?" Scrooge asked, genuinely wondering where she was the whole time. "The Moon." Della answered. "You were on the Moon!? I searched the Moon!" Scrooge said. "Not hard enough! There were mites and aliens and I had to rebuild the Spear with my tooth!" Della retorted. "Don't raise your voice at me, you rapacious rocketeer!" Scrooge shouted. The both of them glared at each other until Della smiled. Scrooge soon smiled back as Della giggled and hugged Scrooge. "I missed your Scroogian alliteration." Della said.

Scrooge pulled back once he felt Della's robotic leg underneath his own webbed foot. Scrooge kneeled down to inspect the leg. Scrooge sighed before looking up at Della sadly. "Lost it in the crash." Della briefly explained. Scrooge looked back at her leg before smiling. "Out of rocket parts! Brilliant! Leg or no, you're every bit the women you were ten years ago." Scrooge said as he embraced Della. Della pulled away and approached the doorway. "Out of my way, old man. Where are my...?" Della gasped once she spotted the boys, who were hiding behind Webby. Della eyes began to tear up as she looked her baby boys all grown up. "Who's the cyborg?" Dewey asked. "Is that...?" Huey began. "It can't be..." Louie said. "Guys, I think that's your mom." Webby said. Della fully stepped inside and fell to her knees as tears threatened to fall out. "Huey, Dewey, Louie... meet Della Duck." Scrooge introduced.

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