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A storm raged outside as lightning crashed down onto the ground. The tv inside McDuck Manor turned on to show the news. "Here in Duckburg, life is like a hurricane? Residents are battening down the hatches for the worst El Pato storm in decades." Roxanne reported.

Charlotte had just finished stocking up food in the kitchen, making sure she got everything. Who knows how long this storm will last. Wouldn't want to go crazy with hunger. As Charlotte exited the kitchen and into the foyer, she saw Dewey and Webby stocking up on chili. She walked up to Mrs. Beakley as she picked up a can of chili. "Mr. Chunky's Extra Chunky Chili Chunks?" Mrs. Beakley asked. "We could be stuck here for days. You said we should have plenty of food we won't get sick of." Dewey said as he and Webby pointed to a chili cheese dog stand. Charlotte slightly slapped her forehead. That's not what she meant... "I said won't get sick from and you know it. I doubt your mother would approve of the nutritional-." Mrs. Beakley stopped as she heard Della eating next to her.

Mrs. Beakley groaned as she turned to Della, who was eating a chili dog. "What? Chili cheese dogs put the 'hooray' in 'hooraycane party'. It's no big deal." Della said. "Until we're on day eight of nothing but chili cheese dogs and we all get scurvy. Again." Mrs. Beakley said. "Beakley, you gotta let kids be kids. Don't sweat the small stuff." Della said. "Is this your parenting strategy or things you read off a bumper sticker?" Mrs. Beakley asked. "Honk if your a great mom. Honk! Honk!" Della said before walking away. Mrs. Beakley sighed. "D-Don't worry, M-Mrs. Beakley. I-I stocked up r-real food." Charlotte said. "Thank you, Charlotte." Mrs. Beakley said as she lightly patted her head. Charlotte smiled as Mrs. Beakley walked away.

Charlotte joined the rest of the kids, where Huey was explaining about his research on caveducks. "After months of research, I've written my masterpiece. This is my chance to get an entry into... the new edition of the Junior Woodchuck Guidebook." Huey explained as he teared up. "My brother's gonna be a professional nerd." Dewey said proudly. "I-I hope you get i-in." Charlotte said. "Thank you so much." Huey said, tears still in his eyes.

Scrooge entered the foyer with a collection of canes. "We need to bring in all these valuable heirlooms from the garage before the storm hits." Scrooge said. This immediately caught Louie's attention. "I'm sorry, valuable?" Louie asked. "These are the famous canes of Clan McDuck. Going all the way back to our very earliest ancestors." Scrooge explained. "R-Really?" Charlotte asked, interested. "Why, yes. Here is the very first cane of Clan McDuck." Scrooge said as he showed Charlotte the cane. It looked like an old club, but that didn't stop Charlotte from staring in amazement. "Oh. Sentimental value. Yuck. Anyway, I've got important, um, stuff to take care of in my room. So... hm..." Louie as he slowly made his way up the stairs to his room. "That boy's up to something." Scrooge said in suspicion. Charlotte couldn't help but agree.

Some banging distracted them from their suspicions. "Whoops!" Launchpad said. Launchpad was trying his best to board up the windows, but he kept missing the nail. Scrooge and Charlotte cringed each time Launchpad hit the wooden frame of the window. "Launchpad, why don't you go and keep an eye on Louie upstairs? Far away from here." Scrooge said. "No problem, Mr. McD!" Launchpad said as he tossed the hammer in his hand. The hammer broke through the window, causing the whole window to crack and completely break open to the storm. Scrooge groaned. "D-Do you want me to b-board up the w-window?" Charlotte asked. "No need, lass. I'll do it later. Besides, I don't want you hurting yourself." Scrooge said as he ruffled Charlotte's hair. Charlotte smiled. "O-Okay, Uncle Scrooge." Charlotte said.

As Scrooge left to finish the preparations, Charlotte helped everyone else get ready for the upcoming storm. As everyone was moving around, Huey was reading from his research. "And so the simple caveduck gave way to more advanced-." A loud crash was heard outside, interrupting Huey. "What was that?" Webby asked. Dewey took a glance out the window. "I think I see something out there. Let's check it out." Dewey said as he, Webby, Huey, and Charlotte ran outside. "Come back! The storm is starting!" Mrs. Beakley shouted, but it was too late. "Eh, what are they gonna find out there? A little rain? Some debris?" Della lightly joked. "Hey, cool! A dead guy!" Dewey shouted as the kids stared at the stranger in shock.

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