The Richest Duck in the World

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(I can't believe I keep doing this, but this chapter will have nothing to do with Louie's side of the story. I really need to stop doing this.)

Charlotte stared at her reflection intently. "You know, I really like your hair in a ponytail. Maybe one day you'll pull your bang back." Webby's words have been stuck in Charlotte's head since yesterday. She stared down at her hand, where she was holding an orange hair clip. Should I really do it? I think I would look nice with it, but my scar... She shoved the hair clip into her pocket before leaving her room. I'll decide later. Right now, I need to eat breakfast.

Charlotte walked into the dining room for breakfast when she spotted Louie sitting at the table, with Owlson and Manny standing beside him. He's really gonna go through with this, isn't he? "Good morning, Charlotte." Louie greeted. "M-Morning, Louie. C-Can we talk in p-private?" Charlotte asked. "Sure." Louie said before they both walked away from Owlson and Manny. "A-Are you sure you want to go t-through with this? You l-literally got the money y-yesterday." Charlotte said. "Of course I'm gonna go through with this. Scrooge told me I could be a better millionaire than he is one day and I've worked hard for three months to get here. I am taking this chance." Louie said. "B-But you don't know a-anything about running a b-business." Charlotte said. "I'm sure it won't be that hard, especially when I'll be the richest duck in the world." Louie said.

Charlotte sighed. I guess there's no talking him out of this, but I have a feeling he'll only last a day if he takes over the company. "F-Fine. B-But I don't think Uncle Scrooge is gonna l-like this." Charlotte said. "Everything will be fine. Trust me." Louie said before returning to his seat. Charlotte walked up to Owlson. "G-Good luck, Ms. Owlson." Charlotte said. "Thank you. I feel like I'll need it." Owlson said. If Louie does become the richest duck in the world, then I wouldn't be surprised if Ms. Owlson quit her job. Charlotte entered the kitchen and quickly ate a sandwich she made before exiting. Della told me to meet up with her at the houseboat. Something about a message to the moon.

Charlotte made it to the houseboat where she saw a giant satellite attached to it. She met up with Huey, Dewey, and Webby just in time to see Della start her message with a microphone, a radio machine, and a camera. "Hey, Penny. It's Della. Again. Thought you Moonlanders would be here to visit by now. I stocked up the fridge, I got air mattresses for everybody. And I know I shouldn't have, but I got you something special." Della said to the camera before walking off. She later returned with a sparring dummy. "Eh?" Della said before plastering a picture of herself on the dummy. "Don't you want to come spar with this? Ooh! Hey! These are the kids!" Della said before bringing the kids in front of the camera. "Huey, Dewey, and I tried to get Louie but his assistant said that he was in the middle of a 'complex business deal'? So this is Webby, the boys' charmingly violent best friend. She's like their you! And this is Charlotte, who is also the boys' best friend. She's actually learning to sword fight. Maybe you two can spar together!" Della said.

Charlotte smiled and waved at the camera. As Webby suplexed Dewey to show her strength, Huey examined the device. "What is this?" Huey asked. "Sending a message to my friends back on the Moon." Della answered. "This is beaming out to the galaxy!?" Dewey asked before he started dancing in front of the camera. "Yup! They were supposed to follow right after me, but I haven't heard from them. So I've been sending them transmissions like I sent you." Della explained. Huey gave a confused expression. "The ones I sent you from the Moon? Hundreds of hours of heartfelt lessons that gave me hope and purpose?" Della asked hopefully. "We did not get those." Huey answered. Della inhaled sharply as she exasperated some gasps. "It's fine! Everything's fine!" Della said until Dewey accidentally knocked the camera over and broke it.

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