The Invitation

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That night I could barely sleep.

All this, felt like a big, really weird dream. I wanted to regret coming to Forks, but it feels more like a privilege to know everyone then that.

Giving up on sleep, I sat upward and showed myself. In the corner of the room, leaning on the wall, was Rosalie Hale. I let out a great breath because I thought I was alone and she scared the life out of me.

"I thought there was only one stalker in the Cullen family."

Rosalie smiled briefly and rolled her eyes, coming to take a seat next to me on the bed.

"Yes, but you're right because I'm not here to watch you and Bella like that other freak does." She responds, referring to Edward.

I allowed myself to chuckle, but her words caught me off guard. Edward watches me and Bella. That's.. really weird. If I weren't so automatically comfortable around Edward I would be more appalled, but I cleared the thought from my head and listened to Rosalie and I's conversation.

"Well, I know we're not very close yet and everything is a bit much so far.." For some reason it surised me that Rosalie cared. She didn't necessarily strike me as the kind of person who really cared about others. "But for that same reason, I wanted to I vote you to our next baseball game. It's on Saturday."

I nodded, but then took a double take. "Wait, isn't it going to storm on Saturday?" I asked, a but confused.

Rosalie's face formed a mischievous smile. "Rain doesn't stop vampire baseball games." Her smile dropped as she seemed to remember something.

"Oh, and I guess Edward wants Bella to come as well. So you can tell her to come if she wants. She doesn't have to." You felt your face drop. It was stupid of me to think at least for a second that I might have been special.

"Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I don't necessarily want Bella there. You can just pretend she said no if you want." Rosalie said with a small smile.

"No, no I'm not gonna do that. If Edward wants her there I'll at least try, you know."

Rosalie made a face but shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat." In a swoosh, she was back in the corner where she was previously, and with another mysterious wink she dissapeared in another gush of cold wind.

The next morning came surprisingly quickly. We sat around the small table in Charlie's kitchen as he made himself coffee.

"Hey, Bella, the Cullens told me to ask you if you wanted to come to their baseball game on Saturday."

Bella stopped eating to look up at me.

"Isn't it gonna storm Saturday?" Bella asked.

"I don't know Bella, just do you wanna come?"

A hint of blush appeared on Bella face as she took another bite of cereal and swallowed.

"I mean, yeah, Edward's gonna be there, right?"

"Yeah, he'll be there." You anwsered and looked down at your own breakfast, not feeling very hungry anymore.

Charlie took a seat between the two of you and sighed.

"These are Dr. Cullen's kids?" He asked, his eyes darting between you and Bella.

"Yeah, Dad. They are." Bella said shortly.

"I'm not sure if I want you two going, then." He said, a look of concern on his face.

"They're good kids, Dad." Bella said, making brief eye contact with him.

"Whatever you say, Bells. But I don't know about this Edwin character. The big buff one?"

"No, Uncle Charlie, you're thinking of Emmett. Edward's the one with light brown hair." I responded, taking another bite of food.

"Oh." Charlie said, and his face went into deep thought. Just as he opened his mouth to say another thing, a roar came from the front of the house.

You immideatly git up to check the window, and you were met with Jacob Black on a motorcycle.

You smiled at him, and then as if he wasn't enough, you looked over to see Edward in his car, his hand over his mouth and nose. Oh God.

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